Product review - calorie, carb, and guilt free
In case you missed it, a couple months ago there was a post about Miracle (shirataki) Noodles.
I found a product in my local store called NOoodle. I think they are similar products. These are a shirataki noodle, I believe but I do not see anything stating that on the packaging. They claim to be calorie free, carb free, fat free. The down side is there is not any protein in them, so make sure you are will still reach your daily protein goals if you are going to eat them. The ingredients are water, yam flour, and lime. They come packaged in a liquid gel. They smell fishy, so you have to rinse them out several times in cold water to remove the odor. After you rinse them well, put them in a skillet and cook them to "dry" them out some, then add your ingredients and cook some more so the flavor is absorbed. They do not have a texture like a spaghetti's more like a noodle that would be used in stir fry, or some would say rubbery.
I've tried them a couple ways so far and rather like them. Pasta has always been a down-fall for me, and this is a good guilt free alternative if you prepare them correctly.
I found a product in my local store called NOoodle. I think they are similar products. These are a shirataki noodle, I believe but I do not see anything stating that on the packaging. They claim to be calorie free, carb free, fat free. The down side is there is not any protein in them, so make sure you are will still reach your daily protein goals if you are going to eat them. The ingredients are water, yam flour, and lime. They come packaged in a liquid gel. They smell fishy, so you have to rinse them out several times in cold water to remove the odor. After you rinse them well, put them in a skillet and cook them to "dry" them out some, then add your ingredients and cook some more so the flavor is absorbed. They do not have a texture like a spaghetti's more like a noodle that would be used in stir fry, or some would say rubbery.
I've tried them a couple ways so far and rather like them. Pasta has always been a down-fall for me, and this is a good guilt free alternative if you prepare them correctly.
Oh my goodness, just saw someone mention shirataki noodles in the last week and had no idea what they were talking about. I have been craving pasta and now can try to have it. I'll have to try these this weekend. Any backlash I need to be wary of since my hind quarters are a bit sensitive at the present time?