Piggybacking off of DS'ers are mean
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DS SW 265 CW 120 5'7"
We don't clean up ass and wipe noses. We kick them. Next!
Post Script: block me now.
If you have any g-ddamn sense and want WLS, think about the DS.www.dsfacts.com
on 10/1/11 1:45 pm - Tuvalu
1--we cuss because that's the way some of us talk.
2--bitterness? I think that's the people whining about not being handled with the kid gloves they are sure they deserve. You'll have to ask one of them.
3--we don't all battle ONLY weight. Some of us are at war with stupidity, arrogance, that kind of thing.
4--my view is that most of us are to a large degree responsible for the type of responses we get from others...as in...people have to EARN respect. If they act like idiots, they are likely to be treated accordingly.
5--the DS board has earned a reputation for being a place where MORONS are chewup up and spit out. The way to avoid that is obvious.
6--I wonder what it is that makes people who are here seeking support and encouragement assume that that's what EVERYONE is doing here.
7--how nice of you to drop in and tell us what you expect of us. Entitled and presumptuous much?
Why all the cussing and bitterness ???
Because that's the way I ******g talk! After 8 years working directly with active duty military personnel next to an active war zone (3 of those years directly with Marines) what the **** do you expect? And guess what. I like it. There was a recent study to find out why people cuss. The outcome? Because it makes people feel better. So I'm going to feel a whole lot better after this: Fuckity **** fuck fuck!!!
Back in the U.S.A.
"I have lost the lumbering hulk that I once was. I don't hide behind my clothes or behind my door. I am part of life's rich tapestry not an observer." Kirmy