Bad toilet pics and other catastrophes.

on 9/19/11 9:57 pm - Central, FL
 Once you stabilize things will redistribute and fill in. We all kind hit that scrawny phase at the peak of our loss then it seems to fill in a bit over time. It's just amazing how much you have lost.

 My DS   
SW/263  CW/136 GW/150

on 9/20/11 3:59 am
Damnit!  Somehow we have gotten our wires crossed.  I've stabilized while I still have at least 35# to go, while you are losing weight and need to stop.
I think we need to get psychically in tune and then let the powers that be know that I SHOULD BE LOSING WEIGHT and YOU need to stop now!!!!

Do you think adding some good, complex carbs might help?  Also maybe cutting back on the exercise and lifting? 
While you look amazing, you really don't have anything more to spare without getting into the fashion model zone; if you don't stop your loss you are going to have to start shopping in the kids section!    Of course, some of the 'childrens' clothes I've seen are sexy enough for an adult - thongs and middy shirts.  What the hell type of parent buys those things for a pre-teen??? (sorry, off on a rant.)

                                      ~  Kim  ~

                             HW - 283        SW - 257.5     Goal - 156
Thanks to all the DS vets who have paid it forward - I <3 you guys!  
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on 9/20/11 4:13 am - BF-Nowhere, United Kingdom
Oh don't sweat the stall.  I had one that lasted four months then BAM back into loserville. Meh it happens you'll be fine.  Get your arse to the gym and lift weights. It will give you something more fun to obsess about.

I am not wanting to lose any more weight and am eating potato cakes with bacon and eggs every morning, a corn tortilla with chicken or steak at lunch and more potato with the evening meal. This is doing nothing!!!!!

I tried not going to the gym for three weeks and lost 3kgs. I cannot win! At least with lifting I'm not losing muscle which seems to be what I do if I sit on my arse. I'm taking in over 200grams of pure protein a day.  It is a mother****** I'll not pani****il I'm in the low BMI range.  At present I'm mid-range on normal which feels alien to me.

Pssst I can already fit kiddies clothing. I can wear a 8-14 years jacket no worries. If I amputated my legs below the knees I could wear spangly jeans too!


RIP Mickie aka Happychick.  You will be missed deeply.
on 9/20/11 4:32 am
Well, hell - you and your kiddy clothing.
Guess you could rock the 'naughty schoolgirl' look pretty hard using authentic clothes.

Think of it this way - your choices for Halloween costumes just went up tenfold since you DO fit childrens sizes.  
For Instance:

                                      ~  Kim  ~

                             HW - 283        SW - 257.5     Goal - 156
Thanks to all the DS vets who have paid it forward - I <3 you guys!  
Looking for DS support & information?   Check out :
on 9/19/11 11:15 am, edited 1/23/12 3:54 am

on 9/19/11 8:40 pm - BF-Nowhere, United Kingdom
Grrrrrr love tiger!

RIP Mickie aka Happychick.  You will be missed deeply.
on 9/19/11 12:33 pm
Revision on 06/21/13
 Kirmy ! WOW   Congrats .. Love the pics and the wit as well !   

 Revision #2 Dr John Rabkin June 21, 2013; First Revision DS - Dr Maguire
  5-18-09; First DS 7-15-2003 Dr Clark Warden = Third time is the charm   



on 9/19/11 12:52 pm - MI
I almost bought that robot necklace! I wish I would have now that I see it on you. Can't remember where I saw it though. I think that each time I lose a pound of fat I also lose a couple of the brain cells that store memory. I may eventually need to start leaving sticky notes around the house and writing notes on my arms in order to remember things.

You are just lovely. And you're tiny enough that I might be able to put you in my pocket and carry you around with me all day. Except without the snot. I don't want that in my pocket, please.

 I am not like I was before. I thought that nothing would change me. ~Sinead O'Connor
on 9/19/11 8:40 pm - BF-Nowhere, United Kingdom
But the snot stops my scales from drying out......

RIP Mickie aka Happychick.  You will be missed deeply.
on 9/19/11 12:56 pm - Fort Myers Beach , FL
Wow you are a little skinny thing but very Chick.  Very attractive. 

Rock on girl jus****ch that losing streak your gettin awlful tiny.  I would glady take your losing streak.  I still need to loose 30-40 for gaol. 
