Informational Seminar :( and update :)

Its a Secret
on 9/12/11 9:26 am, edited 1/23/12 9:35 pm
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on 9/12/11 9:39 am - VA
Aww...what a pain. I hope the rest of the process goes smoothly.


5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? 
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DS on Aug 9, 2007 with Dr. Hazem Elariny

Ms. Cal Culator
on 9/12/11 9:53 am - Tuvalu

Maybe I missed a page...but where are you going for info? Inman?  She's the only DS doctor in the state, right?  But she's way over in Carmel?

I'm confisued.
Its a Secret
on 9/12/11 10:23 am, edited 1/23/12 9:35 pm
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Jeremy M.
on 9/12/11 10:33 am - Fishers, IN
 If I recall correctly, he's only been doing the surgery for the last year or so.  I know someone on here was one of his first patients and that was late last year.  I don't know how many he's done since then, so he may be approaching "vetted" status, but I would still think Inman would be a better bet.  I'd definitely be asking how many he's done and how long he's been doing it.

HW 327 / SW 300 / CW 198 / GW 169
on 9/12/11 10:56 am - AL
If you had been reading this forum almost every day for 2+ years you wouldn't even consider going with a surgeon who was a relative newcomer to the DS if you had ANY other choice in the world.

This is just not a surgery that I would trust to any but the MOST experienced with THIS surgery.

I've seen too many people come out of surgery and A) die, B) nearly die, C) lose their pyloric valve, D) get only a sleeve or E) some combo of the above. 

You just don't need to risk it.

Use the most experienced surgeon you can find.

My second PSA for the day.


Its a Secret
on 9/12/11 11:22 am, edited 1/23/12 9:36 pm
Changed so that my post and information is not shared on FB without my permission or knowledge.
Ms. Cal Culator
on 9/12/11 11:49 am, edited 9/12/11 11:49 am - Tuvalu

Moslty, doing a lot of DS procedures and not killing many people and not rearranging their guts in a way that makes their quality of life horrid or guarantees malnutrition later on.

I think the standard was around a hundred procedures.  And that's mostly so that if some horrid thing happens in the middle of the surgery, s/he knows how to react.

We ALL have transportation issues and, because I've lived there, I know Indiana isn't really that big.  It's about an hour and half from Cooper to, it was 3.5 hours each way in the state to get to Keshishian...but it was worth it.

Most of us have faced SOME of those logistical problems, too.  We're here to tell you how you might be able to resolve them.
on 9/12/11 12:06 pm - AL
I drove 3.5 hours (plus in Atlanta traffic) to use the surgeon I chose.  I don't use the word vetted.  I just picked the MOST EXPERIENCED surgeon I could find.  That one happened to only be 3.5 hours away was a bonus.

The surgeon you are talking about is not very experienced as evidenced by how few people I have ever heard of who used him.  Inman OTOH?  I know dozens of her patients and they have all done very well.

But you sound a bit like you don't want to hear anything you don't want to hear.  Maybe instead of believing us you should read every thread on this forum going back a couple of years or more and then you will know what we know. 

We just get weary of supporting people through major catastophes and deaths when so often the problems could have been avoided by the person using a more experienced surgeon.  Very very weary.


Its a Secret
on 9/18/11 8:43 am, edited 2/10/12 11:25 pm
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