I lost 6lbs 9oz

on 9/12/11 4:25 am - Tacoma, WA
 By far the cutest weight lost to date:

Some of you here have already become accquainted but since I have a moment of his sleeping I thought I'd introduce him over here.

His name is Owen. But he seems to respond equally well to turtleface and peanut pie. 
He is my fourth kiddo, and the only boy. He sleeps like a champ but only because being smothered in sister kisses keeps him awake all day long. He was born on September 1st  2011 at 3 in the morning a day earlier than his due date and arrived in just four hours.

Just some info for women wondering about pregnancy post-DS:
I was two years out from surgery, I saw my midwife (who delivered the last two of my girls) who was very familiar with RNY patients and had even said she was hearing more and more about the DS. It helps that she works for the same medical group at a sister hospital as my surgeon.

I got quite a few more ultrasounds to make sure he was growing well and proportionately. Got labs done and iron drawn separately twice just to be on the safe side. Aside from feeling like I needed to eat the house down and doing so (I plowed through breads, crackers, cookies, ice cream, and cakes, and probably six or seven 30g protein shakes a day) I had no issues. I put on only 12lbs total but he was well within a healthy weight, especially for the size of babies I generally have; my heaviest baby even when I was heavier was only 7lbs 12oz so 6lbs 9oz was perfectly in line with that. 

I am back in my pre-baby jeans, and well they may actually be a size too big. I'm breastfeeding, and he's growing great, he had gained his hospital discharge weight by his five day appointment. It's a little harder to remember to get those 600 to 1000 extra calories (recommended extra calories for a BFing mama doubled) a day without such present cravings and a couple times now I've felt light headed, headachy and grumpy and cured those feelings with a sandwich. 
All in all it was a fantastic, perfect experience, with not a single issue. 



I'm pretty sure bacon tastes as good as thin feels!
*Feel free to call me "Pen" or "Nic" I'll even answer to "hey you" *

on 9/12/11 4:47 am
 He's beautiful, Nic!  Congratulations!
*   Take 1 DS, add a little p90x and stir :)
5' 3"  HW 293/SW 253/Goal 130/CW 128

on 9/12/11 5:06 am
What a cute and adorable weight loss..............Kenya
on 9/12/11 5:06 am - NY
Congrats and he is beautiful.  Now that is some really great weight loss!

Jennifer D.
on 9/12/11 5:07 am
I'd say that was a gain!!! What a sweetheart - congratulations!!
          Thank you Cheri and Holly!
       Think twice, cut once! I've had 3 surgeries now, RNY, VSG and DS .
                                Ask me about the DS or visit dsfacts.com
2002 - RNY
2010 - RNY to VSG
2011 - Full DS-August 24th
                HW 311   SW 306  CW 235  GW 150
on 9/12/11 5:12 am - Somerset, KY
He is adorable, Nic! You did good girl! Congrats!



 tazmaddy34 is my HW/SW/CW/GW 346/335/183/150   5'4.25"



on 9/12/11 5:33 am - BF-Nowhere, United Kingdom
Congrats lovely lady he is sweet as butterfly kiss.

RIP Mickie aka Happychick.  You will be missed deeply.
Felicia S.
on 9/12/11 5:43 am - Lincoln, NE
I'm sooo excited for you and your family.  He is gorgeous!  Congratulations and big hugs to you all!!

HW 264 SW 248 CW 140.8 GW 140 

(deactivated member)
on 9/12/11 5:43 am - Beverly, NJ
Congrats! He is a doll! I can't wait until we can start trying. I still have a long time before I'll be ready for it but I'm so excited. It's stories like this that keep me hopeful!
on 9/12/11 6:10 am - AL
Huge huge congrats.  He is so beautiful.

