Help getting my life back.

Jolly Rancher
on 9/6/11 8:41 am
I struggled with a lot of things for a long time. Eggs are still very, very iffy for me. I have to be very careful. I also hate cottage cheese and tuna.

Do you like cheese? Have you tried a string cheese, or a cheddar cheese stick? Those were and continue to be the easiest things to go down and not worry about.

Be patient and go very slow. Don't get frustrated and give up. I know I did that once. Just gave up over a weekend and said F it, and didn't eat or drink anything because I was so disgusted by everything. Needless to say, I ended up getting fluids due to dehydration. So not fun either.

Do what you can handle. If it's one bite, it's one bite. I know what it's like to waste food. It sucks watching your $$ go down the drain, but keep at it. Slow and steady will win the race. Sip your protein drinks, don't feel a rush to get them all down in a certain amount of time.

I hope I've helped some, I do truly understand.

Oh, and I saw those little single serves of cream cheese in Walmart as well. I do not like cream cheese either, but I say if you like it, go for it.

Elizabeth N.
on 9/6/11 9:53 am - Burlington County, NJ
Scallops were one of my early foods to go down easily. You could get a package of the big frozen ones and just cook one at a time. They cook in moments, even from frozen.

Elizabeth N.
on 9/6/11 9:54 am - Burlington County, NJ
Another thought: Is there a seasonal food that you just LOVE? Um, like watermelon maybe? Try little bites of something like that.

(I just thought of that as I chomped into a perfectly fresh local grape tomato. Ahhhh, there are some good things about living in NJ after all...)

on 9/6/11 12:34 pm - AL
string cheese
SF pudding (protein pudding even better)
Val's Ricotta Fluff
Greek yogurt w/splenda and SF preserves
chicken/tuna salad w/ lotsof mayo
chili w/ extra melted cheese

That is all I can think of right now. 


Ann M.
on 9/6/11 2:11 pm - GA
I have very little advice but much happiness that your back.


-Band to DS revision on 06/21/2011!
Highest known Wt/ Lowest Wt (Banded)/ Regain-Starting Wt/ Current Wt/ Goal Wt
379.6/ 272/ 342/ 169/ South of 200


on 9/6/11 11:43 pm - ROCKMART, GA
 Well this morning I got up and made protein coffee.  When I finish the protein coffee I will have completing 52 gr of protein.  I am so grateful for OH family and Lashelle for getting me through this journey.  It is amazing that I did all this research before surgery bought everything and allowed complications to throw me for a loop.  I have to remember that I have to continue to fight which might mean educating doctors, nurses, and family about surgery and benefits of it.  Most of all I had to make the decision to fight for my life and not give up.  I will tell anyone that it is not a easy journey but it can be done.  I am crying tears of joy.
Rockmart Georgia                        
HW: 315 CW: 117 GW:  First goal 150 met 3/23/2012, Second goal 135
on 9/7/11 1:42 am
Most of all I had to make the decision to fight for my life and not give up.  I will tell anyone that it is not a easy journey but it can be done.  I am crying tears of joy.

And the award for Most Indomitable Spirit goes to Martina.  I think special people are put in our lives for a reason. Though we've only shared one hug, getting to know you better here on OH has made my life better. 

and well wishes for you...always!

"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us."  Stephen Covey

Don't litter!  Spay or neuter your pet

on 9/7/11 5:15 am - ROCKMART, GA
 Linda when I met you and spent time with you it made me feel like I have known you forever when in fact I was just meeting you.  I feel like GOD meant for us to meet each other.  Thanks for the kind words.
Rockmart Georgia                        
HW: 315 CW: 117 GW:  First goal 150 met 3/23/2012, Second goal 135
on 9/6/11 11:36 pm - ROCKMART, GA
on 9/6/11 11:38 pm - ROCKMART, GA
 Well this morning I got up and made protein coffee.  When I finish the protein coffee I will have completing 52 gr of protein.  I am so grateful for OH family and Lashelle for getting me through this journey.  It is amazing that I did all this research before surgery bought everything and allowed complications to throw me for a loop.  I have to remember that I have to continue to fight which might mean educating doctors, nurses, and family about surgery and benefits of it.  Most of all I had to make the decision to fight for my life and not give up.  I will tell anyone that it is not a easy journey but it can be done.  I am crying tears of joy.
Rockmart Georgia                        
HW: 315 CW: 117 GW:  First goal 150 met 3/23/2012, Second goal 135