I think i'm a bit mental.

(deactivated member)
on 9/6/11 9:41 pm
Pmed ya!
on 9/7/11 4:32 am - Farmington, NM
As a woman married to a no longer active duty MARINE, and including several other family members who are MARINES.

There is no way you can be that mental.  It takes a special breed.


DS with Daryl Stewart 04/21/10 - SW 306lbs CW 140lbs

Plastic Surgery with Dr. Sauceda 11/06/12 - LBL, Thigh Lift, BL/BA, small Arm lift


Double Ayy
on 9/7/11 4:51 am - CA
Full Metal Jacket is one of my all-time favorite movies by Kubrick, along with A Clockwork Orange.  The fact that you're quoting FMJ and I like the movie says we have a lot in common. 

....now I'm scared.

on 9/7/11 4:52 am - BF-Nowhere, United Kingdom
Does that mean I can touch your front bottom?

RIP Mickie aka Happychick.  You will be missed deeply.