I'm healing well, but this emotional stuff is the pits!

on 9/1/11 7:40 am - TX
I'm only 8 days out from surgery and physically I feel pretty good. I do get tired quickly, but I am gaining back energy and was able to take a walk around Target yesterday (stopped to sit twice).

I'm getting in liquids fine and I'm okay to move on to mushy, but I'm struggling. I'm not sure if I'm eating to fast or what, but I get a huge rock feeling in my upper stomach area that I can feel slowly move down. What's that? Aside from that gas/bloat/pressure feeling I do okay after eating/drinking. I love my protein shakes so that's been a great help.

Now for the emotional stuff, I'm a wreck! I cry at the drop of a hat. I've also been on my period since 3 days post-op so that may have some influence. I have had some major regret thoughts/talks. I want this part to pass quickly.

Any ideas advice? I'm ready for it to be months from now and feel normal again.
on 9/1/11 7:54 am - ROCKMART, GA
 I want you to know that I believe that there is a lot of support online here.  I wish you the best of luck and I pray that things get easier.  Can you please tell me what protein and how you make your shakes I am still struggling in this area.  Keep your head up and try to work through the emotional erea.
Rockmart Georgia                        
HW: 315 CW: 117 GW:  First goal 150 met 3/23/2012, Second goal 135
on 9/1/11 8:42 am - not available

I'm only 4 weeks out tomorrow, and so I'm not a seasoned vet. I know the feeling that you are talking about though (when you eat) That seems to have slowly faded for me. I wondered if it felt that way simply because it was passing over a recently cut area. I don't know. But it does get better!

I do know what you're talking about when it comes to the emotional stuff. I have been on a roller coaster as well. One day so thankful and so relieved that I was able to have the surgery - the next day wondering if I will ever feel like "me" again. I guess this really is a re-birth in some ways, and so maybe we are going through the growing pains associated with the major change we just submitted our selves to.

I hope you get feeling better. I just wanted you to know that you are not alone.
on 9/1/11 8:42 am - OH

I was very familiar with that rock, as it seemed to be my constant companion for the first two or three weeks.  Your stomach and insides are VERY swollen, so only tiny amounts get through at a time.  Tiny sips and tiny bites....it truly does get better.

As for the emotional stuff, your whole system has been "re-routed", along with the anesthesia, weight loss and shock of surgery.  Add your period to that, and you have hormone hell.  Things will settle down.  I'm just over six weeks out, and I PROMISE it will pass!

Great that the protein shakes are going down.  Remember to hydrate and someday soon, this part will all be a memory.

RNY:  05/24/2005     SW:  270, lowest:  190,  Back up to:  230
Revision to DS:  07/24/2011  SW:230/CW:181/GW:140
"Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there!"
Will Rogers

(deactivated member)
on 9/1/11 8:56 am - Santa Cruz, CA
The pain is probably from being "stuck" which happens when you don't chew your food enough
 So slow down and chewchewchew. 

The surgery and the anesthesia aftereffects are such that you will have "super-PMS";  they
don't tell  you that, but it is an aftereffect.  Plus, as you lose weight, the hormones stored in
your fat cells dumps into your system and makes you a crazy woman.

There's not a lot to do except to keep a grip on your temper and warn your family that you
might not be too easy to get along with for a few weeks.  Maybe your GYN or your surgeon
could prescribe something to smooth you out.

Good luck. 
(deactivated member)
on 9/1/11 9:12 am
Nissa, I will be 4 weeks out from surgery tomorrow, and I too get that "rock" feeling when I swallow.  I think it is from eating too fast, or maybe taking too big of a bite.  I also get it when I sip/drink too fast or take in too much liquid.  I do think it will get better with time.  I also get a lot of pressure/gas feelings and burp a LOT after eating/drinking!  It's so gross, but I can't help it!

I'm glad you're doing good overall though!  I too, have been very moody since surgery!  Hang in there, it will pass!
on 9/1/11 9:24 am - Kennewick, WA
I've not had my surgery yet, but I have read a bunch here and it sounds like you're going through the "buyer's remorse" phase.  Also it seems like everyone gets their period after surgery!  Too funny.

I'm sorry you're feeling blue, but this will get better.  It sounds like everything else is doing great though.

I can give you cyber hugs.
on 9/1/11 9:31 am
I'm still learning there is often one bite between still hungry and the next bite being too much.  *laugh*  SF Freezies and popsicles are your friend, they helped with getting some liquid in there to get the stuff feel less stuck.

You'll also go through bouts of wanting to eat everything, to not wanting to see food.  All normal :)
Take it one day at a time
Pick your surgery first, then your surgeon. Not the other way around.  
PS:... Potato chips should be a food group.

I'm tired of screwing with that damn health widget.
 I've lost 125 pounds to date!!!!
   And I'm UNDER 190 now!!! 
on 9/1/11 12:27 pm - Haslet, TX

Yes it does get better ! and you are doing GREAT !!  walking around Target even,,,

The tired part stayed with me for  almost 6 weeks,, I would start off the day full of energy then deflate ! LOL

Yes emotions all OVER th ePlace,, it will  even out,   It probably does not help you are on your period, as this an emotional  and physical surgery.  Your body has alot of changes to adjust too. Just get plenty of rest, liquids and walking( helps with the handling  hormones, stress too !) lol
I did have to go SLOW in the eat or drink mode, or I got the golf ball feeling.. Even now I have days it happens,,, So I take it as a clue to slow down. I even get the runny nose too..

You really are doing great,, take it one day at a time,,, pmme if you need anything!!!


Jennifer D.
on 9/1/11 12:40 pm
Hi Nissa
We're switch sistas - lol. Did you have open surgery? Mine this time was laproscopic but I did have open in 2002. I find the difference to be like night and day. I have been able to walk like mad and even attended a PD day workshop for work today - I attribute my ability to do so because I had lap surgery and also I am off the pain meds which can really affect your mood. I plan to stay on liquids for 3-4 weeks and at this time I don't feel as though I could handle mush.
You are going to do really well, just have to get over this speed bump!