Appt with PCP tomorrow, first time after surgery

on 9/1/11 2:49 am, edited 9/1/11 3:02 am - GA
Hello Everyone:

Tomorrow I have a physical exam with my PCP and I just want to thank you all (especially the vets). I feel with all the information I have gotten from this forum that for the first time I am in control of my health and ready to explain to him about the DS. He has been very supportive during my journey to get the surgery approved even though he is with Kaiser which is my primary insurance and had total exclusion for WLS but luckily for me I had a secondary insurance with my husband that did approve it., I want to make sure I am prepared for tomorrow's appointment as I know that they will probably not be familiar with the DS, so this is what I have so far, please let me know if I am missing anything:

1. Personalized letter with all the good information Diana Cox wrote (Diana, you ROCK!!! Thanks for making my life so much easier).
2. Vitalady Vitamin schedule which I am following 50% now and will be 100% next week.
3. A combination of the list of labs asked by my surgeon and added all that was missing from vitalady lab list. I admit I am very new at labs so it was hard for me to figure out what each one does but everything that I though was missing I added (for example my surgeon did not have PT or PTT). I hope my PCP accepts my list and not just what my surgeon recommend (they gave me a list to give my PCP). There were a couple that was in my dr's list that was not in the vitalady list like Amylase and CBC w/diff. Here is the complete list I have in my letter, please let me know if I am missing something or I might have duplicated something: (thanks in advance, Ruby).

1st Group (Every 3 to 6 months for life, as we are able) ·
Comprehensive Metabolic profile: (sodium, potassium, chloride, glucose, BUN, creatinine, calcium, total protein, albumin, total bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, aspartateaminotransferase) 10231)
· CBC w/diff
· Amylase
· Lipid profile: (cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides, chol/HDL ratio)
· Phosphorous – Inorganic: (718)
· Uric Acid: (905)
· Hemogram with platelets: (1759)
· Ferritin: (457)
· Vitamin A: (921)
· Vitamin B-1: (Thiamin) (4052)
· Vitamin B-12 & Folate: (82607; 82746)
· Osteocalcin:
· PT:
· C Reactive Protein
· Pre-albumin:
· Hep panel: includes ALT (SPGT) & GGT)
· Magnesium:
· Thyroid panel: (T3U, T4, FTI, TSH) (84437; 84443; 84479; 84480)
· Iron: TIBC, % sat
· Zinc: (945)
· Vitamin D: (25-hydroxy) (680)
· Vitamin B-6: (Pyridoxine)
· Serum intact: PTH
· Vitamin K:
· PTT:

2ND GROUP (Annually, as long as the results were comfortably within normal limits for more than 2 years in a row) ·
· MMA:
· Selenium:
· Copper:
· Homocysteine, Cardio:
· Cortisol:
· Vitamin E:


on 9/1/11 2:56 am - GA
on 9/1/11 2:58 am - GA