So tired of no movement from the scale!!!!!!

on 8/31/11 3:29 am - Sacramento, CA
I know, I know throw the scale out the window!!! I can't help myself  I have tried everything and nothing is working I have seen no movement in almost two months. Any suggestion on breaking this stall??? I would like to lose 66 more pounds but really would like to lose another 80 and I know I am gonna have to work hard but how??? Please help!!!!

on 8/31/11 3:40 am - Sedona, AZ
I have stalled for weeks between losses so I am used to it. I dont weight often and when i do I dont let it get to me. I have taken the advice of people here tho to UP my protein, eliminate carbs & be a little more active and it always seems to result in breaking the stall. I just entered ONEderland but I waited a few weeks for it to drop under 200. I have come to accept that it is a low process but that I can trust my DS to keep going. If I have sweets it will slow. I had no taste for them the first 6 months but then after that I did. So I have to avoid them best I can and only have a small taste if I do.
1985 Verticle Banded Gastroplasty to DS revision 2010     sw 280 gw 140 cw 188 hw 360

“If the person you are talking to doesn't appear to be listening, be patient. It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear.?
Winnie the Pooh
on 8/31/11 3:46 am - Sacramento, CA
Thanks Zuzu. Your right and whats up with the sugar thing?? I am a huge meat eater so not expecting the sugar to come back in my life. Ok I am going to go on sakes and meat for a week and see if that works. The other thing I am going to do is put the scale up for a month and see what happens.
Felicia S.
on 8/31/11 8:26 am - Lincoln, NE
I'll tell you one thing--SUGAR IS A *****  I LOVE sugar.  I am truly addicted to it.  I would love to reach my personal goal of 135, but I know I never will if I can't control this wicked sugar addiction I have.  It's bad.  I'm going back to old habits and eating it in private (don't want boyfriend to know...I'm a big girl and can do whatever the heck I want, but I feel ashamed of my sugar addiction).  Right now, I'm maintaining at about 144 and have been for about 1-1/2 years...but that will not always hold true the further along I get and the older I get.  I'm happy at my current weight, but I know this addiction has the power to do me in.  I am going to try try try to go back to the basics starting tomorrow (ugh! Sounds like every other diet attempt I have tried in the past!!) and see what happens.  I don't want to give up sugar...just want to eat it occasionally like a normal person.  Ya know what I mean, jelly bean?  umm...yum...jelly beans!  lol

So, tomorrow I will up my protein and drastically cut back simple sugars.  Keeping my fingers crossed for both of us!

HW 264 SW 248 CW 140.8 GW 140 

on 8/31/11 4:00 am - Minneapolis, MN
Hey, I have no advice for you, just commisseration. As you can see from my profile, my DS was a week after yours, and I'm experiencing the same stall. It's excruciating! I'm trying to be philisophical about it, but it's hard.
"If television's a babysitter, the Internet is a drunk librarian who won't shut up." -cat and girl

5'6" HW 325 / SW 317 / CW 214 / First Goal 190    |    Century Club 09/19/2011
on 8/31/11 5:14 am - Sacramento, CA
Thanks EJ. Its just hard I went from movement every week to nothing at all.
on 8/31/11 11:37 am - Minneapolis, MN
I know! UGH. It is SO frustrating.

I've been trying to increase my shakes and up my protein/lower my carbs to see if that throws this stall off, but so far not much is happening. I know I'm losing some inches because of the way my clothes fit, but this waiting for the scale to do anything is so hard.

I think I need to hide my scale.
"If television's a babysitter, the Internet is a drunk librarian who won't shut up." -cat and girl

5'6" HW 325 / SW 317 / CW 214 / First Goal 190    |    Century Club 09/19/2011
on 8/31/11 5:12 am - Fort Myers Beach , FL
Hey Sophie

I had my DS Dec 23, 2011 right after you.   I still need to lose about 30-40 and thats even after having 14+ skin removed 5-wks ago when PS and general surgeon repaired multiple severe hernias, abd wall muscle repair with a panniculectomy and anchor cut TT.  I am flater than I can ever remember but still need to lose that last wt. 

I don't eat much I live on 160-200 grams of protein per day from shakes.  I take few bites of food then I am done.  I do have ice cream about every other day but thats it.  Right now not allowed excercise core of body so recliner is my friend.  Oh I also had cardiac cath 3-wks ago. 

I was told by another DS friend that you can restart the wt loss but its not as fast as it used to be by drinking only protein shakes lots of decaff fluids and walking 30-40 mins a day for 2 wks then adding extra week at a time till wt is all gone.  I want to try this as soon as they let me start up walking program again. 

Keep us updated on your efforts.  All of us can surely figure out how to break this and get wt loss going again cause the DS never stops working. 

on 8/31/11 5:17 am - Sacramento, CA
Sounds like a plan that I may need to start doing too. I mean I don't expect the weight just to fall off real fast I'm a revison from RNY. Well I guess I will give this a try. I will keep you posted too.
on 8/31/11 5:20 am - Fort Myers Beach , FL
We will get there.  We will not give up.  We can do this.

lol chanting to try the mind over matter thingy lol. 

Good luck, I will post also when they turn my med butt lose to move.
