Plastics... Holy #$@(%

on 8/30/11 11:08 am - Mason, MI
I am scheduled to have my plastics (I am horrible with technical names so forgive me, lol) ... tummy skin removal and tummy tuck on November 16, 2011!!!


I will be getting rid of the final part of the "fat" me!!! YAY!!!!!!

 *~*~* PARTY DANCE*~*~*

So thankful for my DS! 1/20/2012 - SW 290/CW 155 - 1 year to lose, 1.5 years and counting maintaining! 

A Run With Meghan (My Running Blog)

My First Half Marathon: Fort For Fitness (9/24/2011): 2:22:58
My Frist Marathon: Marine Corps (10/30/2011):
My First Sprint Triathlon: Trek Series (8/7/2011): 1:55:18

on 8/30/11 11:29 am - Fort Myers Beach , FL
I am so freakin happy for you.  I just had severe ventral hernia and abd muscle wall repair with a panniculectom/anchor cut TT which removed almost 15 pounds of skin. 

I have looked 9-mons pregnant for 22 years dispite wt loss.  I am 5 weeks post-op.  My tummy is flat as can be and I can wear low rise cowgirl jeans with a shirt tucked in.  It feels liberating. 

Losing wt was the first door to a better self esteem but having the huge pannis gone and the huge hernia gone I feel like a real woman again. 

OMG you are gonna love yourself.  Please keep us updated. 


P.S. to date I have lost 185 pounds so far.  I want to lose 30-40 more to be at my goal.  I am 20 months post-op DS.
on 8/30/11 12:16 pm - South Central, PA
Congratulations!  I know you're excited.  

I could use some suctioning for sure, but I'm too worn out from last year's DS to even try right now.

Nicole  Lab rata data link- One-half of a DS couple!  - I'M BELOW GOAL!  After a very rough start it's official--I my DS!  Romans 8:28 
Looking for DS information? Start at and 
LilySlim - Personal pictureLilySlim Weight loss tickers         
on 8/30/11 11:20 pm - TX
That's awesome!! It'll be here before you know it, best wishes!!!
Jamille            ~If it's God's will for me, then it will be~
                                            I Being A Mommy!!
on 8/31/11 1:25 am - Victorville, CA exciting, okay, I have to admit, I'm a little jealous, but mostly excited!!!! hehe  :)
on 8/31/11 2:38 am, edited 8/31/11 2:39 am - Macon, GA
Ditto what Darlinggirl said...  so happy for you,

Highest 330,    Surgery 297,     Goal 140.     Current 130
First Dr visit - 330 -
BMI 58.4,    Surgery - 297  BMI 52.6
01/24/2011 - 196 BMI 34.7 (ONEderland YEAH!!!),                 ...GeorgiaPink
08/10/2011 Reached GOAL Baby! 140 BMI 24.0                           is my Angel.
- 139 BMI 23.8 One Year Anniversary 
on 8/31/11 9:37 am - Newark, DE
That is wonderful! Congrats!
SW 269    CW 135.6  GW 140    
