"Are you TRYING to test the limits of your surgery?" (Grrrrr!)

(deactivated member)
on 8/31/11 3:49 am
Putting aside the large snort I just let out in my office.....

I'm an HR exec.  I can promise you that if this story made it's way to me professionally, it wouldn't be you in my office - it would be the idiot coworker.

I always say, people are stupid, therefore I will always have a job.  Sigh.

You did far better than I would.  

on 8/31/11 3:56 am
You handled her well.  If they reprimand you for this, she should be reprimanded for the way she got in your business.

I like the way you handled Nosey Nancy.  I would have had a few choice words included in that type of conversation. 

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining



on 8/31/11 4:25 am
I applaud you for not taking her down a peg or two. That she would even address you this way has already breeched common etiquette, and certainly medical staff relationships.
Gratitude is my attitude

Amanda-DS October 2001
highest >350/342 start of wls journey/ 192 @8years

on 8/31/11 4:31 am - NY

That was priceless and freaking awesome!!!! I must  to you.  You set that heifer straight!!!

You made my day.


(deactivated member)
on 8/31/11 6:20 am
on 8/31/11 6:43 am
That is hilarious! Good for you. Sounds like SHE is the one who stepped over the line.


I had the kick-butt duodenal switch (DS)!

HW: 344 lbs      CW: 150 lbs

Type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea GONE!

on 8/31/11 8:21 am - Fort Worth, TX
 So glad you set her straight. She needs to mind her own business.
My new life is beginning!         
on 8/31/11 9:32 am - Newark, DE
I really can't believe that she even had the nerve to say anything! Wow, just wow. You handled it very well Dr. Steve!
SW 269    CW 135.6  GW 140    

(deactivated member)
on 8/31/11 9:41 am - TX
too funny!  Way to put her in her place!
on 8/31/11 9:52 am
Ya know thinking about this more ... Steve, I think a nice mexican dinner with beans and rice and maybe something good and carby for desert - and make sure you let a ripe DS'er fart near her the next day. 
Pick your surgery first, then your surgeon. Not the other way around.  
PS:... Potato chips should be a food group.

I'm tired of screwing with that damn health widget.
 I've lost 125 pounds to date!!!!
   And I'm UNDER 190 now!!! 