"I didn't want the surgery to take away my responsibility" Uhh, WHAAAAT?

on 8/30/11 5:45 am
 Howdy, I am post-op 5mos. I was watching Superskinny Vs Superfat, and a lady, who had a BMI of 51 decided against surgery because - the title of this post. 

Really?!?! Really?!? Post-ops have A LOT OF RESPONSIBILITIES -- all Good!!! Here are mine:
I have a responsibility to myself to get 110gm of protein a day (for starters, as a young pre-op)
* I have a responsibility to myself to get 64oz of water a day -- at least 
* I have a responsibility to myself to take my vitamins
* I have a responsibility to myself to get my labs
* I have a responsibility to myself to give my body the activity it needs to thrive 
All of these responsibilities ARE FOR LIFE. They are not optional.  Anybody who thinks that having surgery absolves them of ever having to care for themselves, or anyone who thinks that bariatric surgery is a free pass to continue unhealthy habits (emotional ones, food habits, bad sex with stupid people, etc.), is deluded. 

In addition, they have been "featuring" a woman who is 369lbs, who has horrific co-morbidities, as an example of everything that can go wrong if you don't take care of yourself. She is going to have a VSG...

Really?!? a VSG? for someone with an extremely high BMI? And yes, I am biased.  Why is no one recommending the DS for this woman?  UGH!!!!! 

Thanks for listening.  My computer and internet is still buggy so please forgive any delay in responding. 
Peace and Love
Lisey is my Angel

(deactivated member)
on 8/30/11 5:47 am
I watched that last night while I was getting the electrodes hooked up for my sleep study! 

Crazy talk, that's what that is. 
(deactivated member)
on 8/30/11 5:48 am
PS was that the one where the skinny girl hated eating when it was quiet because she was repulsed by the sound of her chewing? 

on 8/30/11 5:53 am
 Oh LOL! the horrible CHEWING!!! OT - i use a CPAP and I LOVE IT. Its a life-saver. Do lots of research on masks and try b4 u buy. The first two weeks might be hell as your body adjusts to adequate sleeping, but OMG real sleep is so gr8....

Peace and Love
Lisey is my Angel

(deactivated member)
on 8/30/11 6:00 am
Thanks for that!  Just waiting on specifics for my prescription then I have an appointment with the DME company.  Seems like a nightmare but I'm open to it - I'm freakin' tired!

And is it awful that I wanted to slap skinny chewing-averse girl?  :)
on 8/30/11 5:51 am
 Is there a name for this mental illness?  What makes you think you should be punished for life to be afforded the gift of being a normal weight?
Blank Out
on 8/30/11 6:08 am
HW/ 302  SW/287  CW/140  GW/135

on 8/30/11 6:22 am - Louisville, KY
DS on 02/27/12
Patty- Yes! Thank you! I want to add: Why should I continue to mope along in this blubbering body? I mean, what did I do to deserve this Stay Puft Marshmallow body? Should I struggle like mad to get healthy "on my own" without the "fix" of a surgery? Should I be permitted to get a surgery only if it will continue encouraging me to diet like a fiend and exercise like a fiend? Do I not deserve "normal" or is that reserved for everyone else who say things to me like, "OMG! Why do you want to have a drastic surgery, I know someone who died!" or "Can't you lose weight on your own?"

on 8/30/11 5:58 am - Somerset, KY
So so sad! Most obese people feel like it's their fault and most 'normies' reinforce that by telling them so. I can't stand that kind of thinking but it was just a few short years ago I too thought that way. Thank goodness I saw the light and found the DS!



 tazmaddy34 is my HW/SW/CW/GW 346/335/183/150   5'4.25"



on 8/30/11 6:22 am - Louisville, KY
DS on 02/27/12
Amen, Ruby! Amen!
