250 common channel

on 8/29/11 10:09 am
You are right Becky.  What's done is done.  This is not HORRIBLE news.
I will work with whatever Dr. Gagner has given me.
I hope to be as successful as you.  I feel as though I know you because of all the pre op lurking on the boards and I have learned so much from you.
So thank you for your kind words.
on 8/29/11 10:50 am - AL

Hang out with folks who are doing what you want to be doing.  That's what I did.  I got so much advice through my weight loss and am still getting advice as I learn to maintain.

I really think that if you keep your head in the game that you will do great.


on 8/29/11 12:22 pm
Thanks Becky I will do just that!
on 8/30/11 12:24 am
Having been on TPN for 8 months and enteral feeding for 3 months and having a leak with external and internal fistulas for 18 months,  I have to agree with Becky that would be horrible news. Been there...done that and so much more.

I have a 50 cm common channel and poop a LOT many times a day. Most of my vit levels are OK, but there is room for improvement. Some of my levels are tanked and that is being addressed now. My PTH is very high even though I take 8 calcium tablets a day. 

 I think you will do just fine with your CC, but what you should do to be certain is to request a copy of the OP report. Also, from what I have seen Dr. Gagner doesn't make decisions lightly. If indeed he gave you a CC of 250 there were good reasons for him to do so. 

                   HW (pre RNY) 430 HW (pre DS) 302 / SW 288 /
                          Lowest weight 157 / CW 161
GW 150
                "I'm just one stomach flu away from my goal weight"
on 8/30/11 5:21 am
Thanks!  I have seen your amazing before and afters and even shared them with hubby because of how wonderful you look!  I love the picture at the faire! 
Anyways...yes..I believe Dr. Gagner did what was best and safest for me.  He took out my gallbladder and noticed my liver looked a little raunchy so he did a liver biopsy.  I am going to take me 250cm common channel and run with joy!!
Thanks for your support!
on 8/29/11 10:50 am
Michele... I would trust Dr G's judgement on what he gave you.  The staff call him a "genius" for a reason.  All workable! *hugs* :)
Pick your surgery first, then your surgeon. Not the other way around.  
PS:... Potato chips should be a food group.

I'm tired of screwing with that damn health widget.
 I've lost 125 pounds to date!!!!
   And I'm UNDER 190 now!!! 
on 8/29/11 12:28 pm
Thanks Allie!

Yeah, I trusted Dr. Gagner to do the safest procedure going into the opertaing room and if thats what he could do....then so be it.
I am ok with it.  I panicked when Beky said she would not go through this to get a 250cm channel.
After talking to hubby and others who pointed out that I am going in to this with a BMI of barely 32........I should be just fine.
I will do the best that I can do with what I have.
Thanks so much for your loving support!
on 8/29/11 11:42 am - Orlando, FL

I have no knowledge of longer common channels, but I wanted to say...please hang in there! It's easy to feel sad when you are away from home, still in pain, and not sure what your results will be, but remember...you are definitely improved over what you had when you went in. That mesh is out, your stomach is now a VSG (which alone, would give you restriction and weight loss), and you do have some intestinal bypass/ malabsorption. Something that the others may not know (because you didn't mention it in this thread) is that you are starting with a lower BMI (low 30's?) going into the revision. I think you're going to do just fine!

Thinking of you! Safe travels back home on Wednesday.

Join me! weightlosssurgery.proboards.com/index.cgi
on 8/29/11 12:38 pm
Hi Karen,

Thanks for the support!  I need to hear this!
My husband said the same thing.
I'n going into this revision with a BMI of 31.9.
I do have the sleeve and malabsorption.  Thats all i need.
I wanted the safest procedure for the cir****tances and that is what I received.
I should be fine and safety for me was key due to all of the damage from the mesh band that was put into me 16 years ago.  Dr. Gagner said it did a lot of damage.  So...overall I am happy in Montreal!!  Thanks for your loving support!
We are headed back home in two days.
I continue to drink and walk and I am doing pretty well.
It is difficult to be away from home so I can't wait until Wednesday when I get to sleep in my own bed.

I have to say that this hotel is absolutely perfect.  There are two rooms separated by a door and when I want to rest my husband can sit in the other room and watch tv or be on the computer or do whatever he wants.  There is a nice little kitchen area to make tea and broth and stores and pharmacies that are right around the corner.  So perfect location!

I am tired so I am off to bed!
Thanks again!
on 8/29/11 2:42 pm - Kennewick, WA
I was fretting over my 150 that I'll be getting, then I looked at the standard length of the RNY. It's 450 to 550. After I read that, I knew I was going to be just fine. So will you. ::HUGS::