
God hates America!

on 8/26/11 11:19 am
You forgot: If you're bored... have sex.
Pick your surgery first, then your surgeon. Not the other way around.  
PS:... Potato chips should be a food group.

I'm tired of screwing with that damn health widget.
 I've lost 125 pounds to date!!!!
   And I'm UNDER 190 now!!! 
on 8/26/11 11:51 am - FL

DH and I went down to the beach this evening to see how things look.  Even though Irene is now several hundred miles away that is one angry ocean!!  The waves were huge! (I'd post my photos if I could figure how to get them off my phone).  We (Florida) got spared the bulk of the mess this time but I worry about everyone else along the east coast.  I have family still up in MD and VA and I have a time share in the Outer Banks.  In fact this is my weekend to be there, but obviously I'm not.  I suspect there may not be much left when this is over as it's such a vulnerable yet beautiful location.

To those of you in the path of the storm I hope you and yours are safe!
