TMI for men, and women who wanna be grossed out and laugh
Have any of you experienced some of your equipment hitting the water while sitting on the throne post op? Unfortunately it is not a john holmes problem, I figure having lost my ass I am sitting about 4-6 inches lower...and everything is saggier than it was a year ago. That coupled with the voluminous craps has created a problem. The water level is not too high on the toilet...Any secret solution I should know about
lol. I am a girl so fortunantly don't have that issue. The only solution I can think of is to take charge of your know, keep them in hand and outta craps way. I think that and standing to pee are your best option...or maybe get a toddler seat that fits onto the potty and it should keep your deflated tushie out of danger. good luck and THANK GOD for my girl parts!!!

Amy Farrah Fowler
on 8/26/11 3:59 am
on 8/26/11 3:59 am
Oh man, I'm laughing at the question, laughing at the answer.
I can sorta understand guy stuff hanging that far, but if my girl stuff ever has THAT kind of sag, I'll be suicidal!
You could use one of those post surgery toilet seat risers. Not beautiful, but you'd have to crap something larger than a breadbox for anything to touch from that height.
I can sorta understand guy stuff hanging that far, but if my girl stuff ever has THAT kind of sag, I'll be suicidal!
You could use one of those post surgery toilet seat risers. Not beautiful, but you'd have to crap something larger than a breadbox for anything to touch from that height.