One Year Update...with pics...long
Ok… Where to start. I think first off is to thank everyone on this board for their support. I did not post much, but I am always here and read everything, glean what I need and try to give support where I can. THANKS!
I started this journey at 330 pounds. I was still pretty active but now realize that that was very hard then, I feel so much better now (at 138 pounds)
I have gone from having a sheriff that told me I did not look good enough to wear his uniform to a normal person… that is still so funny to say.. I have never been normal…lol
This journey did not start off great but it certainly ended that way. I had an equipment mal-function during surgery that ended up causing me to have an open incision…that incision ruptured 2 days after having the staples removed and the local ER would’t touch me since their surgeon did not do the surgery. At 10 weeks out I was back in the hospital for mal-nutrition, part my fault… part just cir****tances. I had a stricture that was stretched and then I could actually keep a sip, bite or vitamin down. I did develop Peripheral Neuropathy in my hands and feet (which I still have), but then my whirlwind of a journey took off. At 10 weeks I had lost 86 pounds. BTW that was too fast and only because I couldn't keep nothing down. None and I mean none of this was ever my surgeons fault, I just happened to catch a little more than my share of the Murphy’s Law factor.
I have had a steady drop in my weight the entire year even though there were many times I thought I was in a stall. I kept up with it month to month and could see the drop and that was my encouragement.
Now the good stuff…
I have a 28" waist… wear a medium shirt… I was in a 32W pants and a 5X shirt, and this before plastics.
I no longer take 2 meds for high blood pressure, 1 for high cholesterol and 2 for diabetes a day
I no longer have to sleep with a CPAP
I can walk up stairs and not be out of breath
I sit with my legs crossed all the time, before I maybe could have crossed my ankle.
I park at the very end of the parking lot when shopping (new paint job…lol) and like the walk.
I don’t think I even sweat anymore, we have been having 115 degree weather here and I enjoy sitting outside… Of course I do freeze to death in the air conditioning now.
I had to remove some of the weapons from my gunbelt… there is no room for them.
I don’t walk into a room and look at the chairs and think…"will that hold me".
I sit on my husbands lap.
My son came in the other day and picked me up… boy that was a strange feeling.
I went shopping and found a shirt I liked… it did not come in my size, I was too small.
And the list goes on and on, but this post shouldn’t.
I Love…Love… Love my DS and have NEVER regretted my decision to have this life saving procedure.
Ok, now a comparison pic.
Love you all,
Me at 330 before surgery
Me August 24, 2011 on year after surgery
Me and Dr Chasen on August 24th for my one year check-up.

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