The Things you DIDNT expect post op.....please contribute!

on 8/26/11 7:03 am - Louisville, KY
DS on 02/27/12
I'm really worried about bony hips and knees, but I am getting a complete body pillow soon (the kind that pregnant women use), so that should take care of any pokey, bony parts.

on 8/26/11 8:00 am
Maria, I LOL'd at the knees striking together---I sleep with a pillow between mine!

Try Nair on the armpits---saves a world o' hurt.

And it's my FEET that are always cold---sometimes I wear wool socks in the SUMMER!
(deactivated member)
on 8/26/11 7:00 am
 I'm still in process, but so far, I've been surprised by how much harder the bed and driver's seat of my car have become!
on 8/26/11 8:05 am
I'd hear about people's tastes changing, but I did NOT expect to start liking, even CRAVING, new things like cole slaw and deviled eggs.

I did not expect to have trouble with constipation.

I did not expect to occassionally be repulsed by CHOCOLATE. (It's rare, but it happens.)

I did not expect to occassionaly have to FORCE myself to eat.

I did not expect this to be so EASY. (Tee hee!)
on 8/26/11 12:38 pm - NY
Oh yeah....the boney ass and knees forgot about those...and I have a sternum, a bone that sticks out of my chest, lol. That one really freaked me out when I first started feeling it

on 8/26/11 12:49 pm - South Central, PA
How hungry I am all the time it seems.  I'm a bottomless pit!  No amount of food or drink seems to make this sleeve happy for long.  I thought skinny people never eat.  There are certainly worse problems to have than "how come I only get 10 chicken wings?"
Nicole  Lab rata data link- One-half of a DS couple!  - I'M BELOW GOAL!  After a very rough start it's official--I my DS!  Romans 8:28 
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LilySlim - Personal pictureLilySlim Weight loss tickers         
on 8/26/11 12:50 pm - Sedona, AZ
one that surprised me was to learn that there were bones in a butt!! Mine was always so big & round and dense I really didn't know there were bones deep in there! LOL
1985 Verticle Banded Gastroplasty to DS revision 2010     sw 280 gw 140 cw 188 hw 360

“If the person you are talking to doesn't appear to be listening, be patient. It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear.?
Winnie the Pooh
on 8/26/11 11:05 pm
I have a lap. There's a space between my legs. I figured this out by losing my cell I had sat in my lap was just on the steps below me where I was sitting for break...and I was giggly about the whole ordeal for the rest of the day.

Being referred to as little bit all the time and being one of the smallest women in an office. It floors me everytime.

No one dreads getting on an elevator with me. Sitting near me. No one seems to even watch me eat, but less get grossed out by me.

Shoes are tied in the center, who knew...mine were always off center because it was such an ordeal to bend over. Also...I hate CROCS now!

I don't wear big shirts to "cover up" anymore, I wear a medium/lrg tee now that is big on me because it feels so darn good.

I walk SO fast. I can stand on my feet all day and never hurt.

Yup, those piles of poo amaze me. I usually get done and weigh just to see if the scale changed. It usually does it's so much.

5'1 HW 298 CW 118

"Making America skinny, one slap atta time!" -Slap Chop Dude

NoMore B.
on 8/27/11 12:42 am
Lots of things -

-I didnt think that living WLS would be as easy as it is.  Prior to chosing the DS I knew people with the LapBand and RNY, and they seemed to always be struggling, unable to eat certain things, etc.  My DS is a dream come true.  I feel normal, and eat normally.

-I didn't realize the close communty of DS'ers, and the great people I've met and am proud to consider my friends.

-I didnt think I would actually get to a normal BMI.  I just never believed it would happen for me, and it did.  And I hate to say that it was with very little effort on my part.  I always say 98% DS, ,2% my effort.

-I realized I CAN wear high heels, always thought I was just a klutz.

-I like shopping for clothes now, and can't believe the sizes I'm wearing

-I didnt know arm pits are supposed to be concave!

-Feeling so many bones grossed me out at first, but I got used to it.

-I used to eat a **** load of food, seeing the full plates of my husband and son piling on food now makes me queasy

-I am treated differently out in public and at work.  I thought that would make me happy, but it kind of ****** me off.

-Surprised that I still feel obese, like I'm walking around impersonating a thin person.

-Suprised sex can feel so different, things fit a lot closer than they used to :)

on 8/27/11 4:12 am - ID
I'm clean!  I can reach places I couldn't before! 

I didn't expect the drain pulling.  That sucked!

My feet look like human feet again instead of bloated hooves.

