OT: Pictures of the infamous "Puck"........
Sorry these are so late, but we had 2 minor emergencies at the same time tonight. One is resolved, we are still watching the other.
I could not figure out how to post the bunny pics here on the message board, but I did finally get them on my profile under photos/bunny album.
Please take a look at the now infamous "Puck", who is convinced I was screaming his name while being possed by leg cramps. I was not.
The other beautiful bunny you will see is his companion Kairi, with whom he loves to play a game of shoving their heads under each other's chins in a bid for dominance! (Loser has to groom the dominant one....every day, a different one achieves dominance.)
I hope you enjoy my fur babies.
"When push comes to shove....shove hard!"
And then let the grooming begin!\
I love bunnies. My daughter and roomies have one in their dorm room where pets aren't allowed. No one has ever detected this loveable pet. She says he releives a lot of stress but wishes they could afford to neuter him because he gets a bit "harebrained".
Hi Becky,
Ask anything and I'll do my best to answer. The blue stuff you see is actually blue sand. Bunnies like to dig, so we decided to make them a sandbox. When we went to WalMart to buy some playground grade sand, all they had left was some blue coloured stuff. So we bought it, dumped it into a clean tote box (the kind that can fit under your bed...low enough so they can jump in and out). For their litter box, we use a litter called "Yesterday's News". It's recycled newspaper, non toxic, and dust free (wich is very important).
Just 2 words of initial advice; please don't get/make a cage with mesh or chicken wire bottom. It can injure their feet.. And if you don't have a lot of time to play with your bunny due to work and such, please consider getting 2. Bunnies are highly social animals and can suffer from depression and/or boredom. 2 bunnies are no more work to care for than one bunny.
I had Kairi for a year before we got Puck, and she was in and out of the vet nearly every month. Once we got Puck (6 months ago) Kairi hasn't benn back to the vet.
A very good book to get and read before you get bunnies is "Rabbits for Dummies". That way you can see what you are in for.
Ask anything and I'll do my best to answer. The blue stuff you see is actually blue sand. Bunnies like to dig, so we decided to make them a sandbox. When we went to WalMart to buy some playground grade sand, all they had left was some blue coloured stuff. So we bought it, dumped it into a clean tote box (the kind that can fit under your bed...low enough so they can jump in and out). For their litter box, we use a litter called "Yesterday's News". It's recycled newspaper, non toxic, and dust free (wich is very important).
Just 2 words of initial advice; please don't get/make a cage with mesh or chicken wire bottom. It can injure their feet.. And if you don't have a lot of time to play with your bunny due to work and such, please consider getting 2. Bunnies are highly social animals and can suffer from depression and/or boredom. 2 bunnies are no more work to care for than one bunny.
I had Kairi for a year before we got Puck, and she was in and out of the vet nearly every month. Once we got Puck (6 months ago) Kairi hasn't benn back to the vet.
A very good book to get and read before you get bunnies is "Rabbits for Dummies". That way you can see what you are in for.