Evening Update on Diane : )

on 8/18/11 11:12 am
Revision on 06/21/13
After work, I called Diane to see how she was feeling. While she said the first day was the pits with pain, it is better this evening. Sounds the hernia repair added to her pain level.

She said she was getting awesome care, feels a big foggy, but is walking and sipping and donig alright this evening.

She thinks she will be released on Saturday as long as everything stays the same. She said hi to everyone, she will post when her head is clearer.

She said there are RNY'rs and bander's there and she proudly tells them she had the Duodenal Switch ! LOL     I can just see her doing this ! 

 Revision #2 Dr John Rabkin June 21, 2013; First Revision DS - Dr Maguire
  5-18-09; First DS 7-15-2003 Dr Clark Warden = Third time is the charm   



on 8/18/11 11:20 am - Orlando, FL
Thanks for the update! Glad she's feeling a bit better today.

on 8/18/11 11:47 am - OKC, OK
Thanks for the update....made me smile.
SW  257    CW  169  GW  165
on 8/18/11 12:37 pm - AL
Thanks Ginger!!!  I'm so glad to hear this.


Nurse N.
on 8/18/11 1:26 pm
Thanks Ginger for the update! I called yesterday and talked with her DH, and he told me that they were trying to get her pain under control. I'll call and check on her tomorrow, since she is flaunting her DS. LOL That's our Diane!


Lapband September 2007------>Revision to Duodenal Switch September 6, 2011


on 8/18/11 1:44 pm
Thanks for the update, I knew that she would do fine.

on 8/18/11 9:14 pm - Somerset, KY
Flaunt that DS!! LOL! Thanks for the update, Ginger. I'm going to have to call her. So glad she's feeling better!



 tazmaddy34 is my HW/SW/CW/GW 346/335/183/150   5'4.25"


