First post-op visit with PCP
I just came home with my first visit with my PCP since my surgery. I have to say, I LOVE this woman, but she drives me crazy.
I originally went for a hemorrhoid that is driving me insane and what I thought was a cold sore that wouldn't go away. Although we addressed those things we spent almost the whole appointment going over paper work. Awesome information I printed off of the "newbies link" as well as my living will. She drew up my lab slip for my 3 month labs so that I would have it ready and handy for when I needed to go. She's never had a DS patient before but she's eager and willing to learn. She's almost as excited as I am about my surgery! I even got a high five for quitting those damn cancer sticks.
Then we came to the part where I got weighed.... I dreaded this part because I instinctively already knew what she was going to say. For starters she is tiny and petite. She is very weight conscious and has always been concerned about the numbers on my scale although she's never lectured me or been too over bearing about it. Last time I saw her (6 1/2 weeks ago) I weighed 369 lbs. Today I was 327. She couldn't believe what she read so she weighed me a second time. What followed was something I never thought would happen with her, she lectured me about my weight. She told me that I was loosing weight too quickly and that she was worried about me. I laughed the second she said it. So we talked about the surgery some more and I explained to her why and how the weight was coming off so easily. She started to ask about my nutritional intake so I explained and showed her more print outs. She has a lot of reading to do tonight and if I know anything about her, she will read it.
I'm so happy I have a PCP that is so open, ready and willing to go on this adventure with me. I don't know what I would do if I had to switch doctors until I found one that was ok or if I had to fight her on everything. I love that I have the opportunity to teach someone about my surgery that has the ability to help others in the future.
Oh and as far as my cold sore and hemorrhoid? The cold sore is not a cold sore it is a bacteria infection, she did a swab to make sure, so I have a new cream. My hemorrhoid isn't as bad as I thought it was so some more tucks, a new cream and if it doesn't improve I go to a butt doctor. That'll be fun!
(I think I liked this soo much I might make this a blog post)
Sounds like you have a fine PCP to me! Mine doesn't have any DSers either. She does what I need and is very open to learning. She is in awe of me and my weight loss.
You're doing awesome BTW! Congrats on your success thus far. Hope you get all "healed up" soon! Can't wait to see an update with some pics soon!
You're doing awesome BTW! Congrats on your success thus far. Hope you get all "healed up" soon! Can't wait to see an update with some pics soon!
tazmaddy34 is my HW/SW/CW/GW 346/335/183/150 5'4.25"
Never lol. The look on her face was priceless.
She also tried lecturing me on my new bacon fetish which made us read the paperwork I brought with me together. I showed her a diagram of my new designer guts but I could tell she was still confused. She wasn't understanding the whole protein intake thing. She said I need to eat more vegetables, so I showed her my list of vitamins. lol She's good about things though and I have no doubt by this weekend she'll read all about it.
She also tried lecturing me on my new bacon fetish which made us read the paperwork I brought with me together. I showed her a diagram of my new designer guts but I could tell she was still confused. She wasn't understanding the whole protein intake thing. She said I need to eat more vegetables, so I showed her my list of vitamins. lol She's good about things though and I have no doubt by this weekend she'll read all about it.
I'm really thrilled that you have a PCP who is open to learning more about your surgery. I was worried that mine would be a bit closed off to it, but he took the info I printed off from DSFacts and anything else I wanted to tell him about it with an open and intrigued mind. It makes a huge difference to have support from a PCP that you know, trust, and have that history with already.
Congrats on your loss, by the way! Just confirms that you are doing great! Hopefully that hemorrhoid will heal up really soon. :D
Congrats on your loss, by the way! Just confirms that you are doing great! Hopefully that hemorrhoid will heal up really soon. :D
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