
on 8/16/11 11:05 am
Thanks for keeping us updated. I know many of us have been thinking about your.
Way to go, firing that awful, unethical doctor. Geesh, makes you wonder how often we are the victims of this type of behavior.
Keep kicking butt and taking names.
on 8/16/11 11:14 am - CT

Was just thinking of you today and am so glad to see this update. 

You are going to do GREAT with chemo! 

As for the records, you have a legal right to change your record.  Screw that doctor (and his staff) that told you differently.  When the drugs really make you feel like you want to squish someone's privates, send a quick note to the state medical board.  ;)

In the meantime, take care of YOU and gear up for your treatment. 

Also -- not sure that your office will allow this, but when a friend had to be out and it wasn't covered under FMLA , people at her work place were allowed to "donate" time to her.  I'm sure you don't want to ask for donations, but if it's a viable option, it'd be nice to know...

Good luck!

on 8/16/11 2:37 pm - FL
You are a strong and incredible woman and I congratulate you for putting yourself first!  In my heart I know all will be well with you!  You are in my thoughts and prayers as always.

J G.
on 8/16/11 4:01 pm
You are woman, hear you roar.   Yaaaay! 
(deactivated member)
on 8/16/11 6:48 pm - Chandler, AZ
Keep kicking a$$ and taking names girl! I am so impressed with the way you advocate for yourself! Awesome! So glad you have finally found the right Dr! Praying you stay healthy enough to keep working and that it won't be too much of a stress on you!
(deactivated member)
on 8/16/11 11:00 pm - Lancaster, OH
You are SO FREAKING AWESOME!  I want to be as smart and strong as you when I grow up.
I wish you all the best.
Thank you so much for your diligence and intelligence, and for sharing it here.
(((((hugs)))))   (and, I'm NOT a huggy type of person.)
on 8/16/11 11:44 pm - CA
You shouldn't fear cancer.  Cancer should fear YOU!  You are awesome!!!  It's unfortunate that you should have to know so much in order to get the proper treatment.  It's scary to think of all of the people that aren't as smart or researched as you are.  They unknowingly and understandably trust their doctors. 

I used Bernie Siegel audio tapes to prepare for my DS but I know it is also used for chemo and such.  I loved this tape so much I listened to it right until the moment I went into surgery.  He has amazing tapes and books.  I also love the video tape "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise Hay.  It has been a touchstone in my life.  There are cancer survivors on that tape that will inspire you. 


 Hugs and prayers to you.


on 8/17/11 12:00 am - Somerset, KY
I am so in awe of you! You are such an inspiration! Good for you taking your health into your own hands! You rock and you're gonna rock this chemo! It is VERY possible that you won't get vomiting sick. My FIL had cancer and did chemo every other week for 6 months and he never vomitted once. He did very well with it all. Just saying it's possible. Hope you do well with treatment. We're all pulling for you! Keep us updated as you can! BIG HUGS!!!



 tazmaddy34 is my HW/SW/CW/GW 346/335/183/150   5'4.25"



on 8/17/11 12:26 am - Milwaukee suburb, WI

Workload has really increased now that school is gearing back up (I work at a university).  I don't have that much downtime anymore, like I did in the summer.  I wish that I had the time to respond to everyone, but I don't think that's possible this time :( 

I want to thank everyone for their caring thoughts, kind words, and support.  I love my OH family!!!

HW / SW / CW / GW      299 / 287160 / 140     Feb '09 / Mar '09 / Dec '13 /Aug '10          

Appendicitis/Bowel Obstruction Surgery 8/21/10
Beat Hodgkin's Lymphoma!  7/15/2011 - 1/26/2012 

Ran Half-Marathon 10/14/2012

First Pregnancy, Due 8/12/14                             I LOVE MY DS!!!

on 8/17/11 12:46 am - bay area, CA
So glad the new doc worked out!
