Vitacouple in Montana!
Man, Michelle can run a thrift shop marathon almost as well as I can! What fun we've had these few days.
We got together for dinner one evening with Determineddanni at my beloved Cattlemens Cafe, which some of you might recall was the sight of cowboy flirting fun (and several very good meals) with Bonnie, Darma and Rena last year.

More stories to follow after I get a decent night's sleep :-).
We got together for dinner one evening with Determineddanni at my beloved Cattlemens Cafe, which some of you might recall was the sight of cowboy flirting fun (and several very good meals) with Bonnie, Darma and Rena last year.
More stories to follow after I get a decent night's sleep :-).
Michelle's shopping methods are different than yours. We shop at about the same speed per store, but the nonstop gabfest was plenty of work along the way :-p. Good thing Don was not along to shop. He would never have gotten a word in edgewise between the two of us! By the time we flopped down together for dinner last night, we were both sufficiently tuckered that he stood some chance of participating in the conversation.....
BTW did I get you to Grandma's Attic in Belgrade? We got there at the end of Crazy Days yesterday, the last hour or so, and like a huge yard sale, they were down to giving everything away (wanting to make room for rearranging and tons of new stuff. I scored a NWT pair of Gap slacks and a like-new pair of Old Navy jeans WOOOOHOOOOO.
Yeah we gotta get there. Belgrade is where the airport is.
We gotta go on a Saturday, cuz the other well established thrift store has half price everything on Saturdays. They also had fill a bag for three bucks. I've lost track of exactly what I scored there, but it involved tops and bottoms both. Geeze, I *am* fried when I've lost the running mental list of my new treasures
We gotta go on a Saturday, cuz the other well established thrift store has half price everything on Saturdays. They also had fill a bag for three bucks. I've lost track of exactly what I scored there, but it involved tops and bottoms both. Geeze, I *am* fried when I've lost the running mental list of my new treasures

Just so you all know these two ladies are AWESOME! Till next time!