One year thanks and pics

on 8/12/11 1:56 am
Congrats you look good................Kenya
(deactivated member)
on 8/12/11 1:46 pm
on 8/12/11 2:31 am
 What a beautiful, heartfelt post from a truly beautiful woman (inside and out).  Congratulations on you!!!!!  What an inspiration!!

(deactivated member)
on 8/12/11 1:48 pm
Thank you, Sandy.  Life probably still sucks for you, since you're fairly new post-op, but it will get better!  Promise!
Gracie P.
on 8/12/11 2:45 am - Mansfield, OH
Wowza!  You look amazing!  You are definitely a CUTIE PIE!

C O NG R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! !  

- 165 lbs. total!                     Updated 4/7/13

(deactivated member)
on 8/12/11 1:49 pm
Thank you, Gracie!  ;)
on 8/12/11 3:18 am - Green Bay, WI
Wow, what an inspiration you are to me! I hope next year at this time I'll have as many successes to celebrate as you've accomplished this past year! Congratulations!

(deactivated member)
on 8/12/11 1:50 pm
Lisa, I'm glad that I could be an inspiration for you!  The first few months sucked pretty bad for me...healing, getting used to eating again, all of the vites...but it does get better, and better, and better!  You'll have plenty to celebrate!
on 8/12/11 3:23 am

That's me blowing an airhorn in celebration of your awesome accomplishments.
You look so happy and healthy. I'm glad that you have plenty of sweet to mellow out the bitter of your journey. Congradulations on loosing the excess baggage along with the weight.
(deactivated member)
on 8/12/11 1:52 pm
LOL!  Love the air horn!  Some days the lost baggage feels better than the pounds lost! 