off topic --- sort of
So I was cleared for physical activity by my PS and I went to kickball last night. It was a close friend's birthday and we all went out afterwords. All of us included myself, and my friend another friend and 3 guys I didn't know well until last night. By the time midnight rolled around we were laughing, sharing stories and having so much fun. I drove home and as I was laying in bed I started thinking about how much fun I had. And it hit me I was happy. Truly happy. Not just cause I had a good time last night but overall. I have a great set of friends and am having more fun in recent months than I have in years. I know that my DS plays a large part of it, but even until very recently I suffered from depression and lately I've just been feeling so great about life.
Your post made me smile; as someone who also suffers from depression I really get it how great it feels when you great you feel! 

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