3 week post plastics lab results

(deactivated member)
on 8/8/11 4:38 am - Lafayette, IN
these were ordered by my hematologist and his office said everything was "fine". i did find out though that the nurse was the one *****viewed them not the dr. there seems to be no rhyme or reason on how the results were grouped together so if its jumbled i apologize. any input would be appreciated.
                                                                               range                                    pre plastics
sodium                            138                             135-145                                   142  
potassium                       4.1                               3.5-5.5                                    3.6
CO2                                   30                                22-29                                     28
chloride                            104                              98-108                                   105
bun                                    16                                 5-20                                       18
glucose                             78                                70-99                                      91
creatinine                          .6                                 .8-1.4                                      .5
wbc                                    8.5                               4.5-11.5                                  7.5     
rbc                                     4.95                             4.0-5.4                                    4.48
hemoglobin                     14.4                             12-15                                      13.5
hematocrit                        41.7                              35-49                                     40
mcv                                   84.2                              80-94                                      89.2
mch                                  29                                 26-32                                       30.1
mchc                                34.4                              32-36                                       33.7
rdw                                   13.9                               11.5-14.5                                12.4
plt                                      146                               150-450                                  146
mpv                                   7.1                                 6.3-9.6                                    8.8

albumin                            3.9                                 3.5-5.0                                    4.3
alk phos                           72                                  25-125                                    79
alt                                       32                                  0-45                                        27
ast                                      41                                  15-41                                     31
biliruben                           .4                                     .0-1.0                                    .3
protein                              6.3                                   6.7-8.6                                 6.2
calcium                             8.6                                  8.5-10.5                               9.2

iron                                    90                                    50-160                                70
iron binding cap              342                                 250-400                              328
% saturation                    26                                    15-55                                  21
ferritin                                43                                    10-106                               64

neutrophils                      75.6                                  50-75                                60.2
lymphocytes                    10.1                                  18-42                                33.3
monocytes                       6.7                                     2-11                                  4.7
eosinophils                     5.2                                     0-3                                    1.5
basophils                        2.4                                     0-2                                     .3
abs lym                            .9                                       .8-4.8                                2.5
abs mono                        .6                                      .1-1.3                                 .4
abs eos                           .4                                       .0-.3                                   .1
abs baso                        .2                                       .0-.2                                   .0

on 8/8/11 12:06 pm - East Bay, CA
 Your calcium got low and your protein was then and is now way low. Can you add in a couple of shakes a day to deal with that quickly? It should help you heal/recover from your surgery.
       Judy                   HW359/Consult288/SW275          
(deactivated member)
on 8/9/11 4:30 am - Lafayette, IN
i dont know what is going on with my calcium as i am taking the same amount as before and i am eating/ drinking more dairy. i am drinking 3 protein shakes a day and getting in around 140-150 g of protein total. it ****** me off that none of my health care providers are concerned about my protein. my protein levels have always been low since my ds and not even the nutritionist seems concerned. there is no way i can put any more in my stomach. since i had the plastics- it is all i can do to get in what i am and still drink enough fluids. i have what seems like 0 space in there. my abdominal muscles are all knotted up
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