And now I have a DATE!!!!
I spoke with Mary Rivera on Friday as I had an appointment with Roslin and I am definitely in need of the revision as I have gained weight (not intentionally) and my BMI is a little over 40. My pouch outlet is definitely stretched per the CT Scan. so Mary will resubmit my claim with additional information from me. I have a bulging and slipped disks and with the extra weight its causing me pain, this is considered a co-morbiity. I need to get that information and she will speak with Oxford. She stated this will be my slam dunk approval.
We'll see.
How is everything for you?
We'll see.
How is everything for you?
Well I sent my appeal out on Monday so now the waiting game again. In the meantime I'm still seeing my nutritionist and going to the gym when I can. I also made an appt to see a knee doctor and foot doctor because of all the pain I'm experiencing all of a sudden. I swear the older I get the harder it is to walk around with all this weight. Before I dealt with it as a piece of clothing and just work around it but now I'm unable to do that any more. Pray for me. I sure do hope I get good news soon.