Getting discouraged after only 8 weeks
Me's now 8 weeks since my DS and I still can't keep most foods down. I called the doctor after my last post a few weeks ago and tried what they suggested ( protien drinks at 4oz instead of 8oz, small meals more frequently- I can still only each about 1 oz so I couldn't get much smaller, taking zofran daily). At around 6 weeks things got a little better and I could eat 2 pieces of lunchmeat wrapped in 1 piece of cheese and only a few other things but got excited that things were looking up. I had a good week or more and back to sickville i go. I am approaching unrestricted but what does it matter if I can't keep anything down. I have no problem with liquids, shakes, vits or cheese ( I pretty much live on shakes and cheese right now). When I do get sick though it will last for hhoooouuuurrrs and makes it hard to get any remaining shakes or vits in. If i would just get sick and feel better that would be fine. I've become a pro at getting on with normal life while getting sic****ep a bucket almost everywhere, even in the car. I am getting very discouraged, to the point of not even wanting to track my protien. I feel like the couple ds'ers I talk to, who are at the same stage, are having a wonderful experience and i'm wondering wat's wrong with me.
Trust me, i hate coming on here sounding like "wahh me" but i am just frustrated. Looking for anyone who has had this experience so I don't feel so alone....and I am starting to feel alone
How are you eating your food? Are you taking small-small-small bites and chewing them extremely well? Are you eating fast, medium or slow? Are you eating past the point of feeling full?
I would say at first glance, make sure you taking VERY small bites, chewing your food extremely well, and I would say wait 3-5 minutes between bites! Same with your shakes. Make sure you aren't just gluping them down! Set a timer if you need too!
The only time I've had problems with food sitting wrong is if I eat bites that are too big or if I eat my meal too quickly!
Also.... What kind of food are you trying to eat? That could be the issue as well? There are some foods which took a little bit of getting used to. My suggestion... if you want to try some "real food" try a Roasted Chicken from the grocery store! Make sure you try to eat it while it's hot n' fresh! It's amazingly moist and was the best kind of protein for me right after surgery. Just make sure it's small bites, chew well, and let a few minutes pass in between bites!
If you're doing all that and still having issues... hopefully, with more information others will be able to help!
So thankful for my DS! 1/20/2012 - SW 290/CW 155 - 1 year to lose, 1.5 years and counting maintaining!
A Run With Meghan (My Running Blog)
My First Half Marathon: Fort For Fitness (9/24/2011): 2:22:58
My Frist Marathon: Marine Corps (10/30/2011): 5:39:59
My First Sprint Triathlon: Trek Series (8/7/2011): 1:55:18
I find that some of the things I could eat fine at four weeks out now cause gut-ache. The nausea makes it so hard to eat and drink. Oh, and get this... I can't sit in front of a fan. The air blowing on me makes me feel nauseous. WTF? I have no idea what is going on w/my stomach anymore. I asked Dr. K about it at my six week appt and he said the nausea could last for three to six months.
Dehydration and the start down the road to dehydration is a vicious cycle. You don't feel like drinking/eating and so you don't...and then you try to and it makes you feel sick. So the more you let yourself get dehydrated the worse you feel and the less like drinking/eating you feel.
As you can see I come from the same bariatric group - what they gave us in instructions on how to pregress should be followed to a T (albeit complemented with the 'golden rules" specifically for DS'ers from this site) - so I am just suggesting here - also based on my personal experience:
at this point I was definitely not able to swallow- keep down or enjoy " a meatball (which almost fell apart it was so logged with gravy- sauce to non- italians) and a couple forkfulls of wheat speghetti." !!!! maybe a few small bites of a meatball with pauses and well well chewn.
Also what i have done and proved to be working very well - I START every day with a portion of kefir (kind of thinner yogurt with natural probiotics) this kind of coats my stomach and prepares it for the day - in the beginning- and that where you are now - I ate only the very few things that were tested and recommended in the progression - occasionally - and even now at 18 months I cannot eat meat sometimes - then I just stop immediately, before the fullness or nausea set in and go back to what i know works. The kefir helped immensely - only rarely do i need to take a prilosec - if you have high acidity even water can give you the sensation of nausea.
I apologize if this is redundant for you just wanted to reassure you that ver ysmall steps will do the trick - get to know your body - everyone is different but the general progression rules are good.

It's tough to say.....Everyone is different and some people take a LONG time to make reaal progress with food options. Ms Cal Culator says somewhat regularly that it took almost three months (I think she says eleven weeks) for her to believe she'd even survive, much less eat comfortably ever again. Julie R. comes to mind as someone *****ports pretty much waking up hungry after surgery, starting food about six minutes later (I'm exaggerating of course) and never looking back.
I was on the easy end of the spectrum but not as easy as some. By 8 weeks out I had a pretty good variety of foods I could eat, as long as I was very mindful of how I felt with every bite.
Spaghetti and grilled cheese would have made me puke almost instantly at that point. Ask me how I know this :-D. I still have to be really careful about pasta.
If you've been thoroughly evaluated to make sure you are not ill and have no "mechanical" problems, and if you are very well hydrated, then I'd tend to be of the "hang in there" thinking.