Ok, embarrassing post alert - look away if you are shocked by butt talk!!
Has anyone had any advanced hemorrhoid treatment procedures?
After 4 months of trying creams, suppositories, sitz baths, Analpram Kits etc with no success, I was just referred to a colorectal surgeon to clear up a thrombosed hemorrhoid. I am not sure what they are going to suggest and am trying to do some research before my appt on the 18th.
Anyone have any experience with Rubberband Ligation, IRC or any other treatment? Suggestions? Just not sure what to do, it doesn't seem to be resolving with any of what I have tried. PS: I had a fissure 4 months ago and it healed but the hemorrhoid just won't heal.
Thanks all! Kj
Has anyone had any advanced hemorrhoid treatment procedures?
After 4 months of trying creams, suppositories, sitz baths, Analpram Kits etc with no success, I was just referred to a colorectal surgeon to clear up a thrombosed hemorrhoid. I am not sure what they are going to suggest and am trying to do some research before my appt on the 18th.
Anyone have any experience with Rubberband Ligation, IRC or any other treatment? Suggestions? Just not sure what to do, it doesn't seem to be resolving with any of what I have tried. PS: I had a fissure 4 months ago and it healed but the hemorrhoid just won't heal.
Thanks all! Kj
DO NOT be embarrassed to talk about this stuff here. If you can't say it here, where can you say it? LOL Sorry about your hemorrhoids. I haven't those issues but I have an anal fissure that bothers me occasionally! I think those should be reserved for sex offenders. I also have burning anus issues sometimes and cannot figure out what causes that. I'm wondering if it's soda. I don't drink much but it seems like it might happen when I have a few to many. Hmmm... Any type of pain in that area sucks! I hope whatever procedure you end up having works, and works fast!

open DS 8/30/05
On August 1, 2011 at 11:24 PM Pacific Time, just jenni wrote:
DO NOT be embarrassed to talk about this stuff here. If you can't say it here, where can you say it? LOL Sorry about your hemorrhoids. I haven't those issues but I have an anal fissure that bothers me occasionally! I think those should be reserved for sex offenders. I also have burning anus issues sometimes and cannot figure out what causes that. I'm wondering if it's soda. I don't drink much but it seems like it might happen when I have a few to many. Hmmm... Any type of pain in that area sucks! I hope whatever procedure you end up having works, and works fast! 
KJ, I had this procedure http://www.hemorrhoid.net/procedure_prolapse.php in 2009. It was relatively simple, outpatient and not very painful, considering how bad the hemorrhoids bothered me. I had a general surgeon do mine after several topical treatments. Having said that, and not having any idea if it is related, I just had to have surgery for a rectal prolapse, which was NOT an easy surgery. The colorectal surgeon I went to said that prolapse is most common in overweight people and those who are prone to constipation and hemorrhoids. Another good reason to stay hydrated and get your fiber.