There are many complex issues with healthcare. If, someone else pays for it, they get to set the limits. We now are being asked to consider your usefulness to society, with Obamacare, Agenda 21. If your, unborn or young with imperfections, may be we don't need to support your survival. If, your old, you've had a good life stop sucking the resources- someone else has better use for them. If, your an adult with issue, fix it your self or stop sucking up resources. I guess those "death panels" really do exist in the socializing of American Healthcare. You thought care was hard to get in the past. Just think, how hard it will be when your in line for culling.
Ms. Cal Culator
on 8/2/11 12:55 pm - Tuvalu
on 8/2/11 12:55 pm - Tuvalu
On August 2, 2011 at 4:30 PM Pacific Time, geutenmorgan wrote:
I absolutely am grateful for COBRA... when my husband WAS out of work.. it allowed me to PAY for the insurance continuance that I CHOSE to pay. It is not shoved on me, I choose it. I want it so I pay for it. I only need it for 2 months, not the extended longtime that several unemployed american need. My husband did not just sit on unemployment and suck up all the "benis" He went out and found a real job again. Thank God. If people are unhappy with their job or what their job offers go find another job, get more schooling to qualify for those jobs, work hard and pay for it.Not that I owe you any comment on Fox news or any of the conservatist. I am my own person and believe what I believe. One thing is ... you must work for what you get. you must keep working and putting away and preparing for a time when you aren't able to work anymore. The whole government will take care of me mentality is, in my opinion, a very lazy, parasitic like, not contributing behavior and doesn't help or serve anyone but themself. They would need to realize that nothing in this life is free, and someone has to pay for it. That is why my first comment was as such.
And absolutely I was speaking from experience. I lived it and my opinions are formed from what my life experiences have taught me.
A patient of mine is an encologist and he is the one who said, doctors and physicians are being paid significantly less now and there is little money for further research. If there is not financial rewards for going through 16 years of advanced schooling to be a specialist, it will entice very few people to join the ranks of being a doctor/ surgeon. yes there are a few people who love to help people, but schools will not be filled with great intelligence and skill if there is not compensation for all the hard work and schooling.
My!!! So much ignorance and so little bandwidth...but I will make a minimal effort.
COBRA was there for you when you needed it and you used that little liberal benefit. That's how an advanced society works. We make sure there are safety nets or when people need them. Your husband is fortunate that he found a job in today's economy. He must spell better than you do...and have a better vocabulary or you'd both be at your local soup kitchen right now.
"Conservatist" is not a word in English. And, by the way, "geutenmorgen" is not a phrase in German. The phrase is Guten Morgan.
I don't know what kind of "patients" you have (are you a nurse's aid?), but there are no "encologists" in this country. Not one. It isn't a word. If you think that the only compensation in life is financial, you are in for a pitiful life. I'm almost 65...collecting Social Security (thank you for your contribution), and an additional pension (I thank those folks for their contributions) and my husband collects a decent chunk of change on his pension (and thanks the current contributors to that system.) I'll be eligible for Medicare in a few months...although I have other insurance as well...and, as a military veteran, my other safety net is the the V.A....but you probably don't like that either.
You know...maybe if you just gave back the part of your YOUR paycheck that comes from Medicare, Medicaid and government-funded insurance programs and government employee programs, you'd have a bit of a clue as to what a hypocritical position you have adopted...but probably not. It would take insight.
OK, so I found this on SecretAgentWoman's blog on here. I hope it's OK to post it. This may be some info that you're looking for.
"Politics aside, I NOW HAVE INSURANCE. That's right, and it covers ALL OF MY PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS including the surgery and complications that I have suffered.
Visit this website: http://www.healthcare.gov/law/provisions/preexisting/index.html
Until 2014, when ALL insurance carriers, private and non-profit, are required to accept everyone regardless of pre-existing conditions and charge them the same premiums, there is a temporary insurance offerred by the federal government for those rejected now and having no insurance the previous 6 months.
All I had to do was apply for insurance - I applied for BC/BS - answered their health questions brutally honest and got my nice "FARK NO we ain't insuring you" letter, and sent it along to the PCIP with my application. I was approved. My premium is $387 a month and my deductable is $2500 for the year. That's steep, but better than uninsured. And I can now use a mail order pharmacy that will save me hundreds!
Won't help me with the tens of thousands I owe now, but will help with the future health care I will need.
Thank you, President Obama."
And thank you Larissa.
"Politics aside, I NOW HAVE INSURANCE. That's right, and it covers ALL OF MY PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS including the surgery and complications that I have suffered.
Visit this website: http://www.healthcare.gov/law/provisions/preexisting/index.html
Until 2014, when ALL insurance carriers, private and non-profit, are required to accept everyone regardless of pre-existing conditions and charge them the same premiums, there is a temporary insurance offerred by the federal government for those rejected now and having no insurance the previous 6 months.
All I had to do was apply for insurance - I applied for BC/BS - answered their health questions brutally honest and got my nice "FARK NO we ain't insuring you" letter, and sent it along to the PCIP with my application. I was approved. My premium is $387 a month and my deductable is $2500 for the year. That's steep, but better than uninsured. And I can now use a mail order pharmacy that will save me hundreds!
Won't help me with the tens of thousands I owe now, but will help with the future health care I will need.
Thank you, President Obama."
And thank you Larissa.

On August 3, 2011 at 8:47 AM Pacific Time, butercup wrote:
OK, so I found this on SecretAgentWoman's blog on here. I hope it's OK to post it. This may be some info that you're looking for."Politics aside, I NOW HAVE INSURANCE. That's right, and it covers ALL OF MY PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS including the surgery and complications that I have suffered.
Visit this website: http://www.healthcare.gov/law/provisions/preexisting/index.html
Until 2014, when ALL insurance carriers, private and non-profit, are required to accept everyone regardless of pre-existing conditions and charge them the same premiums, there is a temporary insurance offerred by the federal government for those rejected now and having no insurance the previous 6 months.
All I had to do was apply for insurance - I applied for BC/BS - answered their health questions brutally honest and got my nice "FARK NO we ain't insuring you" letter, and sent it along to the PCIP with my application. I was approved. My premium is $387 a month and my deductable is $2500 for the year. That's steep, but better than uninsured. And I can now use a mail order pharmacy that will save me hundreds!
Won't help me with the tens of thousands I owe now, but will help with the future health care I will need.
Thank you, President Obama."
And thank you Larissa.

Now if I can get myself away from my husband(Harleys before health insurance!)...$220 a month + money socked away for deductibles is doable...even if I am stuck doing independent contractor type work and moving in with my mom ....although the 12 month supervised diet for WLS seems impossibly long....I would probably need that long to put away the deductible/travel expenses anyway....time things so I can maximize that deductible.
Oh I hate the term OBAMACARE!
I would like to see health care coverage disengaged from employment and everyone (employed, underemployed and unemployed) have access to health care. I've been told that giving health insurance to employees was originally used as a non financial benefit at a time when raises were restricted. I think it was around the time of World War II but that is second hand information not from reading I've done myself. As time passed and costs increased, the employer began requiring employees to pay for part of the coverage themselves.
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act mandates that some health care insurance benefits will be essential coverage for which there will be no co-pays. For example starting this year, women get a "well woman visit" covered under insurance without a deductible/co-pay. Mammograms for those who's age and health require them are also without deductible/co-pay.
The law will also introduce minimum standards for health insurance policies and remove all annual and lifetime coverage caps. I saw a segment on the television with the Secretary of Health and Human Services (former Kansas Governor) Kathleen Sebelius. At one time she served as her state's insurance commissioner and one of her organization's main responsibilities is determining what will be covered. Since the plan isn't finalized, there isn't an answer about weight loss surgery.
By the way, I am already without choice when it comes to paying for coverage for others; my taxes go to fund Medicare and Medicaid. Also, insurance premiums are inflated because of uninsured people using hospital emergency rooms as primary care facilities. Someone has to pay their bills and when they can't the hospitals raise the prices paid by insurance companies and the people who have deductibles and co-pays.
I would like to see health care coverage disengaged from employment and everyone (employed, underemployed and unemployed) have access to health care. I've been told that giving health insurance to employees was originally used as a non financial benefit at a time when raises were restricted. I think it was around the time of World War II but that is second hand information not from reading I've done myself. As time passed and costs increased, the employer began requiring employees to pay for part of the coverage themselves.
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act mandates that some health care insurance benefits will be essential coverage for which there will be no co-pays. For example starting this year, women get a "well woman visit" covered under insurance without a deductible/co-pay. Mammograms for those who's age and health require them are also without deductible/co-pay.
The law will also introduce minimum standards for health insurance policies and remove all annual and lifetime coverage caps. I saw a segment on the television with the Secretary of Health and Human Services (former Kansas Governor) Kathleen Sebelius. At one time she served as her state's insurance commissioner and one of her organization's main responsibilities is determining what will be covered. Since the plan isn't finalized, there isn't an answer about weight loss surgery.
By the way, I am already without choice when it comes to paying for coverage for others; my taxes go to fund Medicare and Medicaid. Also, insurance premiums are inflated because of uninsured people using hospital emergency rooms as primary care facilities. Someone has to pay their bills and when they can't the hospitals raise the prices paid by insurance companies and the people who have deductibles and co-pays.