upset and having problems

on 7/25/11 6:09 am - Jackson, MI
Wow 6 months!?  I hope it doesn't last that long.  I am supposed to be having a total thyroidectomy on August 3rd.  The vascular surgeon told me today if I don't get rid of the thrush or nausea and vomiting by this Friday my surgery will be delayed at least 6 weeks.  I hope it will run it's course by then.  I know it's for my safety...but rescheduling would be disappointing.

On a side note, cottage cheese sounds good!  I think I will have to try that to see how well I can handle it!  
on 7/25/11 7:28 am - IA
Do they have you on acid blocker or PPI?  That could be part of your issue - as it was for the above poster...acid refulx and make people nauseous.

I had to take omeprazole twice daily (am and pm) for about 6 months to deal with the acid.  You might want to look into that as well.

Janine P.
on 7/24/11 12:13 am - Long Island, NY
Roxy, I'm so sorry you have to go through this.  And like everyone said: It's just a bump in the road.  You *will* get through this awful time and move on to good results from the DS.  Just take one day at a time and trust that you will get better, but you just have to be patient with your body. 

(((((BIG HUGS)))))


Janine   Me on Youtube 


on 7/25/11 5:40 am

Hang in there, Roxy.  It really does get better!   (((((hugs)))))
on 7/25/11 7:37 am - Newark, DE
I second the peppermint tea. I hope that you feel better soon
SW 269    CW 135.6  GW 140    

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