surgery date yay, told my best friend finally sigh

on 6/14/11 6:39 am
 No one wants to be the fattest girl in the room.  That was always me and people didn't like it when I decided to change those dynamics.  My best friend at the time was also SMO and afraid to have surgery.  She used this whole thing as motivation to lose weight THE REAL WAY and got down to 160lbs.  Her results were as good as mine and she looked great.  I was very happy for her and pleased that my surgery had helped someone else.

Then of course, life happened and she gained it all back.  I'm sure she wishes that she had conquered her fear and just had the surgery.  I KNEW I could lose the weight myself.  I also KNEW I couldn't KEEP it off.  Since she regained all the weight, I know she is very unhappy.  And of course, every time you lose the weight, it's harder than the last time.  She has a tough life ahead of her and now our insurance no longer covers WLS.  She missed that chance.  She could self pay out of the US but I know that scares her even more...

The lesson we learn is one we learn over and over before it finally sinks in.  The only person you can change is you.  Everyone else has to make their own decisions.
on 6/14/11 7:17 am - UK
Ooo not long to wait! The best answer to anyone who feels they have the right to share their opinion about what you do to your own body is to be a raging success at the DS. Go into it concentrating on what you need to do, need to eat and need to take. Ignore anything else, and anyone else who hasnt walked that road before you.

I agree your friend seems scared of something - lots of people are just scared of medical procedures, it might not be personal. But dont let this sidetrack you from why you're doing this and how fabulous you'll feel by the 15th August 2012.

You can replay the conversation with her at that point, and see what you think then from the perspective of being many sizes smaller, far happier, more confident and bouncing with energy. Remember to be nice.


DS revision from failed lapband

on 6/14/11 8:23 am
congratulations on your date!! I know how exciting it is, and all the emotions that happen, I got my date a couple weeks ago. As far as your friend... you train people on how to treat you by what you allow and don't allow. Whether she has a a reason to be scare or not, she should not insult you and demean you if she is a best friend.
on 6/14/11 8:47 am
thank you everyone you are all quite right. i will not allow her bhavior to affect me. thank you for all the insight!

on 6/14/11 8:50 am, edited 6/14/11 8:51 am - NJ
I can totally relate! My sister and her dh (who is a dr) are having the lap band surgery in a few months and they are so dead set against any other type of wls because they think it is too permanent(exactly why I want ds!). I personally have nothing against lap band but I know it is not for me-but she insists that I am a fool for even considering any other type of wls. I have not even told her about choosing the ds because I am sure she is going to have an extremely strong reaction to it.


sh/w:  5" 2 /237.6
BMI: 44

getting all my pre op clearances!

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