Gaining Weight 2 Years Out

Elizabeth N.
on 11/10/11 11:46 am - Burlington County, NJ
Listen: You have almost NOTHING in common with RNYers. You really, REALLY, REALLY need to connect regularly with a group of DSers and get your **** together on this stuff. Not only are you risking wrecking your weight loss., YOU ARE RISKING A SLOW HORRIBLE DEATH FROM MALNUTRITION.

If you can't get to your 3d support group, as Chad invited you last spring, you just absolutely MUST get regular here. You do not know how to manage your life as a DSer and you MUST learn and apply this knowledge. It is not optional. If you do not get this straight you. will. DIE. And you will not die nearly fast enough to suit you, if you get what I mean.

Elizabeth N.
on 11/10/11 12:07 am - Burlington County, NJ
You don't have a pouch and that test is nothing but a stupid fad diet. Unless, of course, you had an RNY rather than a DS?

Part of your lack of satiety/satisfaction is because of your carb intake. You will go through a kind of carb "detox" that might last a while. Some people report it lasts for weeks, so you're going to need to be strong and hang in there.

on 11/10/11 12:34 am
Detox, great.  Well this feeling just started and I am a week into this.  I am increasing my protein daily.
Elizabeth N.
on 11/10/11 12:06 am - Burlington County, NJ
You need to be eating meat, fish, fowl, eggs and cheese first and foremost in EVERY. SINGLE. MEAL. You need to be eating a total of AT LEAST a pound of meat-fish-fowl-cheese a day, preferably more. That's about 100 grams of protein total. Or 18 eggs totals about 100 grams of protein.

Then eat veggies, except for peas, corn, beans (like black beans, kidney beans etc. Green or wax beans are fine). Limit how much you eat of cooked root veggies like carrots, parsnips, turnips and the like, but not extremely so.

Eat these two categories of food with no regard to fat content. Drown it all in butter, sour cream, olive oil , etc.

Eat as much as you want of the above categories except for the couple things I noted.

Leave off the fruit, potatoes, sweet potatoes/yams, rice, noodles, breads and anything else made with grains.

Do not drink ANYTHING containing calories, except for adding cream (real cream, not fake crap, not fat free crap, etc.) to your coffee or tea. Do not add any caloric sweetener of any kind to any beverage. No sugar, no fructose, no honey, no agave nectar, NOTHING.

If you're eating whatever you want, what are you doing for supplementation? When did you last get nutritional labs done and what were the results?

on 11/10/11 12:40 am
My last draw was in May, at my 2 year visit.  I was slightly low on Vit E, by .2, I think.
Elizabeth N.
on 11/10/11 11:38 am - Burlington County, NJ

What was your vitamin D-total level? What was your PTH level? Vitamin A? Zinc? Copper? Ferritin? Total iron binding capacity? Total iron? To name just a few.

You need to know the actual numbers and what they mean. You need to learn how to do this for yourself and how to adjust your supplements for yourself.

How much protein are you now ROUTINELY eating every day?

on 11/10/11 1:12 am - Georgetown, CA
Congrats on quiting smoking.. I did just before my surgery.. omg after 30 years.. I do still use the Greensmoke Electric Cigs (no nicotene) I still need that sensation of the inhale



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