One year out today

on 4/6/11 1:42 pm - Jonesboro, AR
One year ago today, I was...high as a kite on IV Dilaudid. HAH! I've lost between 110 & 120 pounds, depending on the whim of the scale (which I don't). I've also lost type II diabetes. My last A1C was 4 and my blood sugar is consistently under 100. I can walk rapidly up a flight of stairs without stopping to think "Do I really need to go up there?" or breathing hard, shop/walk for hours without having to sit frequently due to knee and lower back pain, and sit in restaurant booths and theater seats without feeling tortured, squished or, well, anything. I fit. :-)

My labs, which had some abysmal numbers preop, are trending consistently upward. I have been supplementing like mad to get the numbers out of the basement. It will take a while, but thanks to Michelle (Vitalady), Sue, Gina and a few other clever and helpful individuals, I know how to read a lab report and what to take to make things STAY in an upward trend.

I want to lose another 80-90 pounds and will. Eventually. My loss really slowed after my thyroid was completely removed last September. The endocrinologist is still dicking around with the synthroid dose to get my TSH right. Normal range is 0.4 to 4.4. My first labs 4 weeks postop were 44. Yes, that is not a typo. Forty-Four. He doubled the dose (from 125 to 250 mcg), which brought the number to 33. Then he raised it to 300 mcg. I still feel like hammered cat**** most of the time and have almost all the symptoms of hypothyroidism except constipation & coarse, dry hair. I'm due for thyroid labs again next week. He will raise the dose significantly or I'm going to take a strip off him he'll never grow back.

I have NO regrets about the DS. None. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I could not have made the progress I have as successfully as I have without the support of all of you. So many of you had so much patience with me when I was new and learning about the DS - which I discovered via a surgery war on the MB (Thank you, Diana Cox!!!). I was all set for the RnY, knowing I wouldn't be happy with it but desperate enough to get it anyway. I read the archives, followed links, Googled my fingers off and asked questions when I couldn't find the info I needed. The people *****sponded to me then are still on the forum responding to other noobs - even those without sense enough to STFU and listen. Thank you ALL from the bottom of my heart. *mwah*

Linda .
on 4/6/11 1:49 pm - Gilroy, CA
Congrats, Charlee!  Thank you for your inspirational post.  I'm having surgery next Thursday and really appreciate the success stories.

Good luck on getting to your goal.
on 4/7/11 1:03 am - Jonesboro, AR
Thanks! And - you're welcome.    You must be so excited! I sure was when I was thisclose to surgery.I wish you the very best and most boring recovery.

on 4/6/11 2:03 pm
Congratulations!!!!! i know you will hit goal eventually. Once you get your TSH levels straighten out.You've come a long way and should be very proud!!!!
Thank you for helping me when I had questions, you probably don't remember but you responded to a few of my posts. Thanks again and continued success!!

on 4/7/11 1:11 am - Jonesboro, AR
Of course I remember! Your user name cracks me up - I say that all the time when I am just flat THROUGH with something.

Thanks a bunch - I am proud. I love the way I feel when I do something without thinking - like go up those stairs at work. You just wait, it's freakin awesome!

on 4/6/11 8:03 pm
congrats on your great weight loss, especially since you have had your thyroid removed, now they have to regulate your metabolism by supplements, it will take some time to get the correct doseage, but keep on it, will be a matter of time till you are on your way to your goal....
on 4/7/11 1:12 am - Jonesboro, AR
Thanks! I'm beyond ready for that metabolism thing to get right.

on 4/6/11 10:47 pm - Macon, GA
Congrats girl....lookin' good. 

Highest 330,    Surgery 297,     Goal 140.     Current 130
First Dr visit - 330 -
BMI 58.4,    Surgery - 297  BMI 52.6
01/24/2011 - 196 BMI 34.7 (ONEderland YEAH!!!),                 ...GeorgiaPink
08/10/2011 Reached GOAL Baby! 140 BMI 24.0                           is my Angel.
- 139 BMI 23.8 One Year Anniversary 
on 4/7/11 1:13 am - Jonesboro, AR
Thanks a bunch!!

on 4/6/11 10:53 pm - BF-Nowhere, United Kingdom

Congratulations honey I wish you the very best.  You are a joy,

RIP Mickie aka Happychick.  You will be missed deeply.
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