Obamacare hits home ~

Kerry J.
on 8/13/10 11:32 pm - Santa Clara, UT
That sounds more reasonable Sue, but he was talking about here in the US and as soon as he posted it, I knew it was BS. I didn't know what the stats really were, but I knew it couldn't be right, so I looked it up and posted the correct numbers. The stats I posted where from 1980 - 2007 and no where even close to the 2% to 98%.

on 8/13/10 11:41 pm

Yeah I could pretty much tell he most likely bought some union koolaid. I I especially enjoy the "personal stories" about the insurance companies. Even if you quit, retire orget fired you can continue your insurance.


Facts tend to make liberals scatter like ****roaches

on 8/14/10 12:59 pm
Still here and I'm a water bug! BTW you only apparently understand just part of what COBRA insurance is. You certainly don't pay the same premiums you did before and for some that makes it impossible to keep. Especially if you LOST your job.And if you don't keep it but try to get affordable insurance then you run into that pesky pre-existing condition clause. Dave really you are far from brilliant !! Nice try though.
Ms. Cal Culator
on 8/13/10 11:47 pm, edited 8/13/10 11:47 pm - Tuvalu
Not all the US...factor in a could of Saudi sheiks and the Asian guy that Brad Pitt's character pretended to be in the (first?  second?) Oceans movie and you see that it's a worldwide thing:


I don't have the source for this, but I think that the poorest 50% of the people on the planet TOGETHER own less than 1%.
Bonnie R.
on 8/13/10 11:26 pm - Stratford, CT
I really really think this is not the forum for politics. 
Ms. Cal Culator
on 8/13/10 11:50 pm - Tuvalu
On August 14, 2010 at 6:26 AM Pacific Time, Bonnie R. wrote:
I really really think this is not the forum for politics. 

Then you might want to back away from the computer as election time approaches.  Especially when issues that involve health care are involved...since that is really relevant to so many here.
Bonnie R.
on 8/14/10 2:21 am - Stratford, CT
My friends would find it amusing that I am suggesting not talking about politics on OH.  I talk politics all the time.  I'm on my local Democratic Town Committee, I've run for office, I worked on John Kerry's campaign and Obama's campaign along with numerous other local campaigns.  In September I am being honored with the Connecticut Democratic Women's Leadership Award. I'm hard core Progressive and believe all people in this very rich country have the right to decent healthcare.  This is a community and we all need to work together and we all tax the system at different times in our lives. 

All that being said, specific people on this board use inflamitory language which insults many of us and creates false fear in others. 

I come here for the commonality we all share, help when I need it and to give and get support for my new way of life.  I personally just don't think this is the place for politics.  It messes with the rest of it. 

Just my thoughts.
on 8/14/10 3:15 am
Kerry, Nice try but first I only drink GREEN tea....lol...and I laugh at my own jokes too! Now I know in the interest of accuracy that I should have put up a website that had the numbers but I really don't care about truth apparently so in the interest of accuracy do tell us what the true numbers are! Oh and those numbers are they from one of those "evil" inefficient government run agencies? Tell us just how much is too much or is there no limit? what is the line for greed? The problem I see with Dave and yourself and you both can commiserate about this I'm sure is that you don't really give a darn about anybody but your greedy selves and only pry open your filthy wallets when you think you can get the most mileage from a tragedy or misfortune. And the reasons why the government pry open your wallets is because this country has bigger problems than your myopic eyes can see. How many people can that '70 Mach1 429 cobra jet feed if you sell it? I am not asking you to sell it but where are your priorities really at? Where are mine? I am not doing enough either and I ask forgiveness everyday and hope to do better and not think of ways to avoid doing so. BTW since you don't know but apparently might think is so ...I am not in a union but am smart enough to see what unions are really about, I know your story of rejection and your apparent grudge you now hold towards unions but what is odd is if you have always held this belief why were you joining a union and sacrificing your moral integrity? That sir points to a grudge! I had told you in a PM that my passions were religion and politics and I would rather not talk about either with you in this forum but you seem to insist on putting up that red flag in my face and then not expect me to respond? I have known all along what your religion and politics are and how much you give and such. As a DSer none of that really matters to me but if you insist on bringing it here then it's fair game. And I know that applies to me as well. I believe and will continue to do so that both you and Dave are very mis-guided and I pray that you both truly see the errors of your ways, as I hope to see mine.
on 8/14/10 6:26 am

All I request is that people answer the question. If someone cannot pay for healthcare who should pay for it? If it is their fellow citizens do we at least get a say in how they live their life? Should we pay for people who smoke or engage in other risky behaviors that will cause their healthcare costs to increase?

Since you continue to call me "Greedy" and question my spiritual understanding, perhaps you can explain what is meant give a man a fish feed him for a day, teach a man to fish you feed him for a lifetime?

I own a business. it has one goal turn a profit. What I do with that profit is my business. Not the governments or anyone else who did not sweat to build it. Yes I will cancel insurance if obamacare is not repealed.

I will actually enjoy the conversation as much as I did when I laid off the three Obama supporters the first week of November 2008. They asked am I being let go because I supported Obama and I said no you are being let go because he won. He and his I'll think I am what's wrong with this country and the unions and "academics" are what makes this country work. I told them to go get a job from them.

BTW they all have now seen what a moron Marxist can do in just two short years.....he did just what his spiritual mentor preached GD. America
on 8/14/10 7:15 am
On August 14, 2010 at 1:26 PM Pacific Time, DaveV64 wrote:

All I request is that people answer the question. If someone cannot pay for healthcare who should pay for it? If it is their fellow citizens do we at least get a say in how they live their life? Should we pay for people who smoke or engage in other risky behaviors that will cause their healthcare costs to increase?

Since you continue to call me "Greedy" and question my spiritual understanding, perhaps you can explain what is meant give a man a fish feed him for a day, teach a man to fish you feed him for a lifetime?

I own a business. it has one goal turn a profit. What I do with that profit is my business. Not the governments or anyone else who did not sweat to build it. Yes I will cancel insurance if obamacare is not repealed.

I will actually enjoy the conversation as much as I did when I laid off the three Obama supporters the first week of November 2008. They asked am I being let go because I supported Obama and I said no you are being let go because he won. He and his I'll think I am what's wrong with this country and the unions and "academics" are what makes this country work. I told them to go get a job from them.

BTW they all have now seen what a moron Marxist can do in just two short years.....he did just what his spiritual mentor preached GD. America
Gosh Dave that has to be the most un-Christian message I have ever read but I imagine you won't disappoint me in the future. You say you are requesting that people answer the question but it appears you are demanding that we do so. I can explain most of what you have to offer up but that you will understand is the real question. As I am Captain Obvious I tend to point out things that really don't need any explanation and one only needs read your latest message to me to see what you are. You seem to base all your decisions on your emotions at any particular moment and not on common sense. You play with peoples lives like you are a god and that you can do no wrong. It's sad really that you have somehow in spite of yourself gained that kind of power. As long as you display your lack of understanding of what "greed" and "spiritual " matters are I will continue to call you like I see you. And the rest of your message, well it really speaks for itself !
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