Obamacare hits home ~

on 8/12/10 11:06 am, edited 8/12/10 11:40 am

Why is it anyone else's job to get healthcare for another person. Are we all not adults capable of working? I will do all I can to shift the costs to people too ignorant to know their own rights.


Crass? My feelings are hurt....just show me where in the constitution it gives the right to any president or congress to confiscate wealth and redistribute it. Please remember the "general welfare" clause precedes the 18 enumerated powers. Anything not listed is up to the states and the people.

That's right the rule of law means nothing to the lefty politicians...they just want to show people they "care"

 If some one chooses not to spend their money on health insurance why should anyone else care? They value something more than protecting themselves or their familes.


As far as people that work for me, they do so because I outwork them. Never took a government anything....that is for LAZY STUPID people

Ms. Cal Culator
on 8/12/10 11:47 am - Tuvalu
On August 12, 2010 at 6:06 PM Pacific Time, DaveV64 wrote:

Why is it anyone else's job to get healthcare for another person. Are we all not adults capable of working? I will do all I can to shift the costs to people too ignorant to know their own rights.


Crass? My feelings are hurt....just show me where in the constitution it gives the right to any president or congress to confiscate wealth and redistribute it. Please remember the "general welfare" clause precedes the 18 enumerated powers. Anything not listed is up to the states and the people.

That's right the rule of law means nothing to the lefty politicians...they just want to show people they "care"

 If some chooses not to spend their money on health insurance why should anyone else care? They value something more than protecting themselves or their familes.


As far as people that work for me, they do so because I outwork them. Never took a government anything....that is for LAZY STUPID people

My idiot step father went for this argument and decided not to pay taxes back in the 1970s or so.  After the IRS got through with his ass, he was fortunate that he still owned that.

While it might have been fun to watch you get to that point in your miserable life, it isn't worth the pain of watching you.  I've read through many of your posts and your problem with this President is VERY clear.  You are suffering under the delusion that you are superior to him.  Delusion.  You don't measure up at all.

You want the world to believe that YOU are in some way superior to the Obamas and those who support them...truth is, you really aren't good enough to qualify to clean up after their dog.  Because even HE is trainable and we can see that you are not.

on 8/12/10 1:19 pm
What??? You as an employer offer insurance as incentive to work for you and you then don't pay the wages they would need to buy their own insurance. But if you drop them from insurance they would have to be stupid to work for you. Union people have had to band together because people like you won't pay people what they are really worth. Sure don't provide insurance and when your employees get sick see how fast they come back to work for you! This idea you have that it's a privilege to have health insurance is barbaric at best and stupid at worst. Just think about the next pandemic and how people who don't have insurance like your future employees go to work anyway and get you and your family sick too!
So you don't owe anybody anything? You owe this country everything you have! If not for this country you would be **** ant Scrooge who's only joy in life would be counting money. It's every person that lives here that keeps you in the big brown turds you smoke. Destroy the middle class and see how long you sell your widgets! You think your bull crap is a revolution just wait till you keep kicking the people around till they have no hope of recovery! And when the lemmings who think that someday they too will be rich finally realize it ain't so that's when we will be in trouble for it will be too late to convince them otherwise. You do what you do at our peril and it won't be pretty. The sermon on the mount read it ,live it. Blessed are.......... Sounds to me you don't want to read it cause it doesn't include you at all.
(deactivated member)
on 8/12/10 10:35 pm
"Post Date: 8/12/10 4:23 pm
Last Edit: 8/12/10 5:08 pm
I think Jesus wants us to help the poor but not at the tip of a "roman" spear."

... and yet, this is the same deity that told you to give unto Ceasar's what is Ceasar's.  

Heh.  Perhaps as long as you actually follow the letter of that law, it doesn't matter how much your words contradict Christ's commands?

"the silent majority is silent no more. In a war between the provider class and recipient class the recipient class can never win. The well is already dry and overdrawn"

Viva la revolucion!  I'm sure the privileged in the French Revolution thought much the same of the scum poor before they caught a glimpse of the horrors unfolding in the main square.  Let them eat cake, indeed!
on 8/12/10 11:59 pm

And who says the money I earn belongs to the government.


As to the elite in this country look no further than private jet vacatios to "console a friend" who lost her father or "green" celebrities who build 30K Sq ft mansions or lawmakers who write and pass a 2200 page law that exempts them from it's effects.


This "revolution" is a peaceful one....it has already begun. Newsweek sold for a dollar, the New York Times is almost bankrupt, CNN and MSNBC are getting killed in the rarings. The people of Missouri support repeal of Obamamcare....SB 1070. Rangel going down, Waters going down. Boxer behind in the polls in California.

 47% of the people pay NO federal income tax and they are the ones who suck the money out of the system. So everyone is either a taxpayer or a taxeater. I think it would be fair to take the taxeaters right to vote away.


Look at the states that Libs have run for a generation or more. New York, Illinois, California, Michigan and New Jersey. All are almost bankrupt(New Jersey is back on the right track  thanks to Christie)

 Now look at Texas, Florida, Indiana, Oklahoma Etc. Liberalism destroys everything it touches

on 8/12/10 11:53 am
On August 12, 2010 at 9:57 AM Pacific Time, STLfan wrote:
Well well well, I see that there are many that haven't dealt with pre-existing conditions and what that means. My wife has had MS for 20yrs but the last two have been the hardest and now she has had to retire and her MS is not covered at all by ANY plan. Now at 6-8 thousand a month how long do you think we can keep up her treatments? Oh wait we can get help but first we need to be destitute, right now we don't qualify for anything as we have been saving all our lives and have money! Well I guess that's the luck of the draw and we should buck up and accept our future poverty. Pulling ourselves up by our boot strings has little effect when they are broken. The health care system is broken and needs to be fixed and fast , I believe in single payer and mandates so take that to heart when your thinking about what would Jesus Do! Until Jesus lays hands on and cures us all then health care should be a right not a privilege and if you believe in pro life believe in pro life for every human being .

Believe it or not I empathize with your situation. The question is who then should pay anyhow much? The government only has what it steals or prints. I can assure you that I don't want anyone deciding my healthcare but me. Anything that puts the "people" ahead of the person is bad. In the single payer system you and your wife would be better off NOT saving and paying, because the care you would get would be the same as people who pay nothing. Where is the incentive to work harder?

Healthcare a right? Then who will required to provide it?
on 8/13/10 3:08 am
So you think the incentive to work harder is about health care and if I had health care I wouldn't need to work??? Or just wouldn't work? Huh??? How dumb is that? Your empathy doesn't move me as I don't think you even know what empathy is. Your true intentions are known! You can't hide that in the face of our Lord. As you ride that camel through the gates to heaven you had better hope the gate is bigger than a eye of a needle.
on 8/13/10 10:22 pm

It is not greedy to want to keep what you earn and decide how it should be spent. It is greedy to expect or demand something you have not earned.

 If I have to pay for someone else's healthcare do I at least get to say how they live their life? Make sure they don't smoke, drink or eat the wrong foods? Why should they have freedom on someone else expense?

 I do empathize with anyone having a loved one with such a horrible disease. I also understand the difficulty in paying for expensive treatment. So who should pay? the EEEEEEVVVIIIILLL insurance company? or your fellow citizens? Why should they be forced to pay for your situation?

 Sounds more Marxist than Christian.....the difference is freewill. God doesn't steal your money and he only asks for 10% the corrupt government demands 38% from me to pay for all sorts of things that are morally bankrupt. I get to choose which church I support or other ministries, of course I am free thinking individual who doesn't need the government to tell me what to think.



Kerry J.
on 8/13/10 11:20 pm - Santa Clara, UT
I think you're wasting your time Dave; when you're as full of union kool aid as this guy is, no amount or reason or facts makes any difference.

Did you see where he posted about how 2% of the population (the evil rich) have 98% of the wealth and income? When I asked him for a reference or source, of course he couldn't come up with one and when I googled it and posted the actual wealth distribution ~ well, that just got ignored and on he went to more union hall drivel.

I don't mind if someone wants to have a different opinion about how things should be that me, but I draw the line in posting lies and being unwilling to acknowledge certifiable facts as opposed to drivel.

Ms. Cal Culator
on 8/13/10 11:24 pm - Tuvalu
On August 14, 2010 at 6:20 AM Pacific Time, Kerry J. wrote:
I think you're wasting your time Dave; when you're as full of union kool aid as this guy is, no amount or reason or facts makes any difference.

Did you see where he posted about how 2% of the population (the evil rich) have 98% of the wealth and income? When I asked him for a reference or source, of course he couldn't come up with one and when I googled it and posted the actual wealth distribution ~ well, that just got ignored and on he went to more union hall drivel.

I don't mind if someone wants to have a different opinion about how things should be that me, but I draw the line in posting lies and being unwilling to acknowledge certifiable facts as opposed to drivel.


I have that poster blocked, but the numbers are being quoted incorrectly.

I THINK it was that 2% of the WORLD'S population owns half of the world's wealth.  But I'll go look for the source.

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