Obamacare hits home ~

on 8/13/10 12:41 pm
Odd thing is as a veteran I have contact with many vets and every one of them use the local VA hospital that is a first class operation in almost every respect. Just maybe Omaha got all the best doctors ??? OR you don't really know what your talking about OR ............???
Blank Out
on 8/11/10 3:04 am
 You rock!  
HW/ 302  SW/287  CW/140  GW/135

Ms. Cal Culator
on 8/11/10 3:22 am, edited 8/11/10 3:23 am - Tuvalu

All of you who are applauding the Less Government Regulation In Our Lives tirade realize that the guy works for an oil company?  You know, those poor over-regualted oil companies...just doing their jobs and making a reasonable profit and not hurting anyone along the way?  Yeah...THOSE oil companies.
on 8/11/10 3:28 am - Davidson, NC
 I buy and sell stocks to make money for fun.  Does that make me evil too?


on 8/13/10 12:43 pm
No not evil just..............unproductive.
Ms. Cal Culator
on 8/11/10 3:10 am - Tuvalu
On August 11, 2010 at 9:54 AM Pacific Time, thompson13x wrote:
 Democrat, Republican, Independent, Tea Partier, Communist, irregardless of your political affiliation or leanings this is a BAD idea for the majority, and thus from a purely utilitarianistic point of view it should be eliminated, Obamacare that is.

Is the current system broken? Surely. Is this a worthy replacement for it? Hardly... Yet this bill and soo many others that are in the works are not just eroding our liberties but in many cases purely and flagrantly violating them. Take for instance the proposed "internet kill switch" as a part of the Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act, sponsored by independent Senator Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut, Republican Susan Collins of Maine and Democrat Tom Carper of Delaware.

(Read more: http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,2009758,00.ht ml?xid=rss-topstories#ixzz0wKDM2Otv )

Can anyone legitimately make a realistic argument for this that does NOT involve some sort of political pandering and or bogey man terrorist threat lie in it? And the trite illogical reasoning of "well if your not doing anything wrong then you have nothing to worry about" BS that so many spouted when they passed the PATRIOT Act also has been getting a lot of traction as well but really come on folks... When is enough going to be enough??? What, when or what if OH became a target due to the "divisive, medical and surgical, information disseminated there by non professionals" and they shut down this site??? Will we as Americans stand for these laws and pieces of legislation to be enacted in our names??? We all have choices to make come November and like I said at the start, regardless of party affiliation its time to vote the bums out and start fresh and let our elected officials know that this will not fly....

I just can't work up that much paranoia...nor do I choose to branch out into all the other paranoics favorite topics...even though I disapprove of the way the Patriot Act is being used.

But more on topic, MOST of the people screaming about their liberties and invasive government are among the major recipients of the handouts. 
Blank Out
on 8/11/10 3:13 am
 I really hope you are right, and I am wrong.  I will be happy if I am wrong.  Time will tell...
HW/ 302  SW/287  CW/140  GW/135

Ms. Cal Culator
on 8/11/10 3:24 am - Tuvalu
On August 11, 2010 at 10:13 AM Pacific Time, dvanhandel wrote:
 I really hope you are right, and I am wrong.  I will be happy if I am wrong.  Time will tell...

Me, too.
(deactivated member)
on 8/11/10 4:13 am - Minneapolis area, MN
Agreed.  The current system is broken, what's being called Obamacare does little good and potentially much more harm than good, our liberties are being gradually erased, corporations are taking over our government, and I am starting to think the right-wingers and the left-wingers are just there as a distraction to take our minds off the fact that both parties are responsible for creating and furthering these problems.
(deactivated member)
on 8/11/10 3:13 am - Minneapolis area, MN
I am not a big fan of Obama, but I can't let you blame him for something that's actually not his fault.

If Obama had been able to implement all the reforms he wanted, you would not have had your premiums increased.  The only way he could get  any reform through congress is to make it friendly to the insurance companies--there are too many people in congress who are on the side of big business.  Insurance companies have many billions to spend on lobbyists (which you're ultimately paying for with your premiums) to pressure politicians into making sure they're allowed to jack up their premiums.

Don't blame this on Obama, blame it on corporate greed and political influence.
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