Obamacare hits home ~

Ms. Cal Culator
on 8/11/10 2:13 am - Tuvalu
On August 11, 2010 at 8:57 AM Pacific Time, dvanhandel wrote:
 And another by the Tides Foundation:


Okay...what you are showing me is that a few--out of the 435--elected representatives in the house are/have been pushing loudly for Single Payer...which is like Medicare for everyone.  Some people think that's a good idea, but not enough to make it happen in our lifetimes. 

But there is no Government Health Care Plan now...now being drafted, no committees are working out the details.

Hell, Rand Paul doesn't think the 1964 Civil Rights act should have passed as written...he isn't going to get THAT through congress either.  But, if he's elected, I could post that we're going back to Whites Only Restaurants...using the same if-one-guy-says-he-wants-it-it-must-be-gonna-happen logic.

on 8/11/10 2:19 am - Davidson, NC
 I'll look for the vid but after the passing of the bill in Obama's victory speech he specifically stated it being a step toward a single payer system.


Ms. Cal Culator
on 8/11/10 2:31 am - Tuvalu

A step.  In a long, long journey.

Meanwhile, over one in every eight children in NC is without insurance.  Like 13+%.  So take a classroom (overcrowded) of 32 kids and know that four of them have no mideical insurance and that the other 28 are going to have to pay for their health care through increased taxes and increased medical insurance premiums.

If one of the 28 gets strepthroat, his mom (who is paying for his insurance) can take him in for a $10 copy and with a $5 or $!0 medication co-pay, get it under control.   Meanwhile, though, he shared it with one of the four kids.  His mother will take him to an ER, the cost of which will be around $800 or so and the cost of medical insurance for the 28 kids whose parents have insurance just went up $30 a year...for each uninsured kid in the ER.  Oh...and you'll be in the ER waiting room or on a gurney waiting for care for your bowel obstruction because the strep kid got there and got triaged first...and YOU get to wait until his labs come back..another hour or two.

on 8/11/10 2:39 am - Davidson, NC
 Anecdotal sob stories don't work on me, sorry.


Ms. Cal Culator
on 8/11/10 2:41 am - Tuvalu
On August 11, 2010 at 9:39 AM Pacific Time, girlygirl1313 wrote:
 Anecdotal sob stories don't work on me, sorry.

NC has one of the higest rates of uninsured in the country and your position is...fuck all of em?  And you don't think that your insurance rates are going to go up because of that...not a lot of insight there.
on 8/11/10 2:50 am - Davidson, NC
 wow, you really went pretty deep reading into my comment.  


(deactivated member)
on 8/11/10 6:42 am
More of a shuffle than a full step, unfortunately.
Blank Out
on 8/11/10 2:22 am
 What I am saying is that Employers are not going to be able to offer healthcare for employees in the very near future.  The costs are going sky high.  This will force a gov't plan.  Even the private healthcare companies see this coming.
HW/ 302  SW/287  CW/140  GW/135

Blank Out
on 8/11/10 2:06 am
 Sorry for doing it like this, I am not tech savvy.  But here is another great video:


Like I mentioned earlier, my husband works for a company that contracts with the largest healthcare providers.  One attorney for one of the biggest said that they ( the private health insurers) know their time is short.  He said that in the next ten years, most private insurers will be out of business.  This was always to plan to force a gov't single payer only plan that everyone will be forced onto.  

Also, if congress really wanted to cut costs, they would have put Tort reform into the bill, and they did not.  Why, because so many of them are attorneys.   Call my cynical.
HW/ 302  SW/287  CW/140  GW/135

Ms. Cal Culator
on 8/11/10 2:20 am - Tuvalu

Same as above..he says that he believes that SOME DAY there will be a "Public Option," like Medicare for everyone.

Since we are ALL going to have Medicare eventually--I am in less than a year and a half and I'm not thrilled because I will be paying more because DH's employer will mke us move to a different policy that is more costly in spite of the fact that they will be secondary to Medicare...talk about greed...and in addition to the higher premiums for the Blue Shield policy instead of the BC I have now, I get to pay for Medicare...wonderful--but as is, we will ALL have Single Payer Medical Insurance.

Reid is just saying that he wants it to happen sooner and that more people should be part of that program...someday...way off in the future....

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