Well, sugary drinks don't bother all DSers. I don't drink alcohol, but I can drink a huge sugary drink like a Frappucino or lemonade (much to my chagrin, I almost wish I couldn't tolerate one because they're tempting) and have no bathroom issues or anything. But you won't know until you've had surgery. While most RNYers don't dump from sugar or anything else, you might really be testing the RNY to down a few pinas too. Most of my RNY friends don't dump but they wouldn't dare drink multiple sugary drinks.
Either way, you might just have to choose a different "poison" or forgo drinking when you take your ride...not a big deal considering with either DS or RNY, your life is changed forever.
As for the urgency worry, in the early days you may need to really go right when you feel the urge, but I don't think that means you'll be crapping yourself or anything unless you are two miles from the nearest bathroom. And usually diarrhea and stinky gas are both caused by eating stuff that doesn't work well with your new system. Keep reading here, it looks like you have more to learn. Remember your eating and drinking habits will probably need to change significantly with either surgery, and pick the one you can live with. Good luck to you.
Either way, you might just have to choose a different "poison" or forgo drinking when you take your ride...not a big deal considering with either DS or RNY, your life is changed forever.
As for the urgency worry, in the early days you may need to really go right when you feel the urge, but I don't think that means you'll be crapping yourself or anything unless you are two miles from the nearest bathroom. And usually diarrhea and stinky gas are both caused by eating stuff that doesn't work well with your new system. Keep reading here, it looks like you have more to learn. Remember your eating and drinking habits will probably need to change significantly with either surgery, and pick the one you can live with. Good luck to you.

I love margaritas. I don't drink often, but I do love frozen margaritas. BUT, are you seriously considering not having the most effective weight loss surgery available because you might not be able to drink your once every other year pina colada?
Think about it this way. With the DS, you have about 85% odds to lose the weight and keep it off for the rest of your life. With RNY, that goes down to about a 60%, or less, chance. So, if you have RNY, you might get the pina colada, but..
And that's just ONE of the many benefits DS provides over the RNY.
You should check out if you haven't already.
Good luck!
Think about it this way. With the DS, you have about 85% odds to lose the weight and keep it off for the rest of your life. With RNY, that goes down to about a 60%, or less, chance. So, if you have RNY, you might get the pina colada, but..
And that's just ONE of the many benefits DS provides over the RNY.
You should check out if you haven't already.
Good luck!
(deactivated member)
on 5/27/10 6:42 pm
on 5/27/10 6:42 pm
Than you soo much for your reply. No, it was not so much the fact that I could not enjoy a pina colada, but more the bathroom issues and the gas issues. I am glad that you have cleared up this matter for me. I did research on the internet and read some awful horror stories. I also had some one via internet that had the RNY and said that she had a friend that had the DS, and she had terrible bathroom/ gas issues, to the point where she quit her teaching job and that it has affected the rest of her life as in she is not able to go to public functions etc. I feel like I can not live a normal life now, because of my weight. I really like the people on this forum though, because you all offer a lot of helpful information, and offer support. Again, I appreciate your replies. I guess the only thing that I am worried about now is the surgery itself, but I am sure everyhting will be fine. I guess I am experiencing pre-op anxiety lol.
Some DSers actually tend to be constipated. You will not know how your body reacts until you actually have either surgery.
After I get in my protein and vites for the day, I eat pretty much what I want and fart maybe once a day, at night. I poop in the morning and well, it's POOP. It isn't supposed to smell like roses. For now, I am one of the lucky ones. I also know that could change at some point. I'm just enjoying the ride.
It's all about choices. If you choose to eat and drink sugary crap, either surgery can give you problems. RNY could have you dumping (which in my opinion is worse than any poop issues could be because you could lose consciousness, etc.) and the DS you could have gas or poop issues. In either case, you could regain if you eat too many carbs.
If you read the Main Board or the RNY forum here, you will see that gas and poop isssues happen with the RNY for some people too.
Best of luck on your choice. Just be sure and think twice and cut once--we'd hate to see you in three years, getting revised from a RNY to a DS.
After I get in my protein and vites for the day, I eat pretty much what I want and fart maybe once a day, at night. I poop in the morning and well, it's POOP. It isn't supposed to smell like roses. For now, I am one of the lucky ones. I also know that could change at some point. I'm just enjoying the ride.
It's all about choices. If you choose to eat and drink sugary crap, either surgery can give you problems. RNY could have you dumping (which in my opinion is worse than any poop issues could be because you could lose consciousness, etc.) and the DS you could have gas or poop issues. In either case, you could regain if you eat too many carbs.
If you read the Main Board or the RNY forum here, you will see that gas and poop isssues happen with the RNY for some people too.
Best of luck on your choice. Just be sure and think twice and cut once--we'd hate to see you in three years, getting revised from a RNY to a DS.
I had the kick-butt duodenal switch (DS)!
HW: 344 lbs CW: 150 lbs
Type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea GONE!
I apologize if this has already been said, but - would you rather drink a PC and have the runs, or drink a PC and dump? If there's a risk of a bad sugar reaction with DS, it's there with RNY, too - just in a different form.
My recommendation is whichever surgery you choose, try a PC at HOME where it's safe first to ensure you can handle it in public.
Oh, and I've been told here that the gas isn't what it's made out to be. :D
My recommendation is whichever surgery you choose, try a PC at HOME where it's safe first to ensure you can handle it in public.
Oh, and I've been told here that the gas isn't what it's made out to be. :D
If you are out on a catamaran drinking a pina colada and dump (anything from vomiting, shakes, dizziness, blacking out: the woman at my seminar with the rny said it was like going through heroine withdrawl) that sounds like a lot worse to me.
Also, even as someone who gets gas or dhr from eating too many (this is important it has to be TOO MANY) sugary or floury things it's never instantaneous. It's always houuuurs later. I've gone to the fair and had bites of scones, elephant ear, funnel cakes, etc. and spent all day at the fair not running to the bathroom or letting it rip. Because it takes awhile (thank you pylorus valve) to digest and get into the intestine to even be a big issue.
If you are out on a catamaran drinking a pina colada and dump (anything from vomiting, shakes, dizziness, blacking out: the woman at my seminar with the rny said it was like going through heroine withdrawl) that sounds like a lot worse to me.
Also, even as someone who gets gas or dhr from eating too many (this is important it has to be TOO MANY) sugary or floury things it's never instantaneous. It's always houuuurs later. I've gone to the fair and had bites of scones, elephant ear, funnel cakes, etc. and spent all day at the fair not running to the bathroom or letting it rip. Because it takes awhile (thank you pylorus valve) to digest and get into the intestine to even be a big issue.
453/380/160/165I'm pretty sure bacon tastes as good as thin feels!
*Feel free to call me "Pen" or "Nic" I'll even answer to "hey you" *
Ahh the great EADSM (Exploding Arsehole DS Myth). If I eat white starchy carbs or eat certain coated peanuts then my arse is feral. I know what puts me wrong so in order not to suffer I avoid these handful of foods. Funnily enough they are the foods that will also put the weight back on me so it is no loss.
I love having my pylorus valve and the promise that I will be able to totally reverse this surgery if I become unlucky enough to develop protein malnutrition or gross vitamin deficiencies. It is quite ingenious actually from a surgical standpoint. Throw in the certainty that I will never become super-morbidly obese again unless I make an effort to eat around my malabsorbtion and restriction (there are a couple of people here who have done just that and refuse to help themselves sadly) and that makes the DS the best choice for me by far.
I have a friend who had her RNY two months ago. She has had spontaneous vomiting and passed out from dumping already. She has also had staggering weight loss. I have learned the hard way how to stop over eating after vomiting lots initially post surgery. Bare in mind I was a compulsive eater so I had to relearn how to eat again without the old pedal bin approach.
I am so satisfied with my choice. I hope you make the right one for yourself. Here is a very good link covering this topic just yesterday. swer-all-the-time/