Dr. John Husted ???

on 5/21/10 11:01 am
Lisa, one thing I've learned here is to listen to the vets.  If more than a few people warn you away from a surgeon, listen to them.  The last person who didn't listen is Larissa.  Check out what happened to her.  And one more piece of advice:  Don't get ugly with people here BEFORE your surgery.  You will need them after surgery, so don't burn any bridges you'll need later.

I.  am.  not.  a.  doctor.

HW 250ish  SW 219  CW 110  LW 100


Elizabeth N.
on 5/21/10 11:27 am - Burlington County, NJ
She burned this bridge.
on 5/21/10 11:40 am
What happened to Larissa?
Elizabeth N.
on 5/22/10 6:03 am - Burlington County, NJ
She didn't listen to vast amounts of good advice in order to save a couple grand.
on 5/22/10 6:17 am - NY
I won't bring the ugly, but that entire **** was effed up!!! She could have died! And for what? There's money and then there's life. She wasn't thinking about her life. And any person embarking the DS needs to understand all costs!
We Are A Fever. We Are A Fever. We ain't born typical. ~ The Kills
If you have any g-ddamn sense and want WLS, think about the DS.www.dsfacts.com
Elizabeth N.
on 5/22/10 6:25 am - Burlington County, NJ
I blocked her long ago because I wanted to fly to TX and shake some sense into her. It was a mental health blocking for me. I don't hate her or want her to fail, much less GOD FORBID to die. I can understand being desperate. I have prayed and hoped and worried for her and I hope fervently that this is the last bump in her road. Unfortunately, her surgeon's track record says it won't be.....And that couple grand is long since spent. I can only hope that the OP of this thread reads that story and realizes how pertinent it is to her idiocy.
on 5/22/10 6:34 am - NY
A damn shame. I hope she doesn't have further complications. No one deserves that kind of pain.
We Are A Fever. We Are A Fever. We ain't born typical. ~ The Kills
If you have any g-ddamn sense and want WLS, think about the DS.www.dsfacts.com
Elizabeth N.
on 5/22/10 6:27 am - Burlington County, NJ
Why listen to the vets? We're a bunch of tired old biddies who have no life and who just follow the latest trend on the forum. Led by ME THE CHIEF BIDDY of course :-p.
Ms. Cal Culator
on 5/21/10 11:17 am - Tuvalu
Based on his history, he'd probably expertly perform your surgery...and then, quite possibly disappear with no explanation.  You might end up repeatedly calling his office and either getting no response or getting vague, non-informative answers.  But, if you're looking for him during another Wanderlust Adventure, you'll never get to HIM.  You could be up **** Creek with no paddle.  You might well end up in the position of having to beg OTHER DS surgeons--or other gastro surgeons who don't really "get" the DS--to take over your aftercare...not something they all do willingly.

I've been reading wls boards for almost nine years.  I've never heard a bad comment about his skills...nor have I heard good comments on his patients ability to FIND him on a reliable basis.

I don't know what you think about MY tone, but I do know that if you pick him over Keshishian, you are trading a more convenient week for a  lifetime of playing the "find the doctor" game.  Not something anyone would reasonably choose.

on 5/21/10 11:38 am
What happened to Larissa??
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