Dr. John Husted ???

Guate Wife
on 5/21/10 1:46 pm - Grand Rapids, MI

Dennie... that book was a life saver for me!  I so wish that I would have read it & understood it prior to actually coming across my sociopath.  Don't know if it would have done any good, but it might have.

Luckily my shrink gave it to me during the after-math, and it helped me to heal.  I was deeply damaged.  I don't play victim, so this one was REALLY hard for me to work through.  Years.   I take complete responsibility for my choices and that I allowed them.  My ability to trust anyone else was compromised.  But what was really crippling was my ability to trust myself -- something I had previously always thought I had a good grip on.   I had to start all over with myself.

Really good things came out of this, so I now think my sociopath did me a huge favor.  But, what other choice do I have but to think this way?  I will never know what he really cost me during all of those years I spent recovering from the trauma.

       ~ I am the proud wife of a Guatemalan, but most people call me Kimberley
Highest Known Weight  =  370#  /  59.7 bmi  @  5'6"

Current Weight  =  168#  /  26.4 bmi  :  fluctuates 5# either way  @  5'7"  /  more than 90% EWL
Normal BMI (24.9)  =  159#:  would have to compromise my muscle mass to get here without plastics, so this is not a goal.

I   my DS.    Don't go into WLS without knowing ALL of your options:  DSFacts.com

Elizabeth N.
on 5/22/10 6:18 am - Burlington County, NJ
I didn't read that book. Would taking up an email correspondence with a very vocal critic and attempting to reason and charm said critic into at least shutting up, if not exactly coming over to your side, be considered a ploy for garnering sympathy? Especially if it includes faux appeals to the critic's perceived (but falsely so) "professional background"?

I've had a couple of interesting experiences along those lines and welcome further education in that direction.
on 5/22/10 6:32 am
 You need to read that book!  Huge eye-opener.  I read it while I was working for one, and oh my god, she would sell someone's kidney if it helped her get ahead.  No guilt.  No consideration of others at all.  And her famous quote to me that really struck a chord is "I don't believe what goes around, comes around". She said this after she had done something devious and underhanded that I called her out on.  Still gives me goose bumps remembering the coldness with which she said that.  /shudder
*   Take 1 DS, add a little p90x and stir :)
5' 3"  HW 293/SW 253/Goal 130/CW 128

Elizabeth N.
on 5/22/10 5:55 am - Burlington County, NJ
I consider myself to be a bit of an expert in this subject. There is a very good reason why I am, or appear to be, such a hard nosed ***** It is because I have the softest of hearts and have gotten so amazingly screwed over multiple times in my life. Oh dear me, the stories I could tell and the tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars it has cost me.....Not to mention my entire social circle, life as I once knew it, my sense of sanctity and safety in my own home.....

Fortunately I "only" encountered this kind of thing among a very few docs in my years of devastating illness. I suppose there are those who would say I got insanely lucky by finding a good, ethical, experienced surgeon....Didn't have a damned thing to do with the years of research I did, or the advice I got right here on this board and took oh, so seriously, or the bucks I spent or the travel I invested. Nah, it was all luck.
Elizabeth N.
on 5/21/10 10:12 am - Burlington County, NJ
Oh good gravy. Have a nice life.
Guate Wife
on 5/21/10 9:47 am - Grand Rapids, MI
On May 21, 2010 at 1:55 PM Pacific Time, dflprdfan wrote:
OK, I have read and re-read every single post on here and no one seems to have anything negative to say about him as a person or is surgical ability. I will be a DS virgin - not a revision, so although not as complicated as revision, glad to know he is a skilled surgeon. I completely understand everyone's frustrations with him changing practices quite a bit without notice to the patients, but I do have to say that any doctor who moves would leave some patients in the lurch, no matter who he is - it's just the nature of the system.

I was told that he left
San Francisco after being told he would be taking over the practice only to have another person - the other owner's brother- come in and take it over. If that is true - I can understand that. I also have read that he left KY because the small-town hospital would not allow him to do the DS surgery any longer so he didn't have a choice. Again, if true, I understand.
I truly value each person's opinion on this board and this is not a decision any of us makes lightly. I have an appt to meet with Dr. Husted on
6-2-10 and am going ask these hard questions in person. I, too, want to understand all of the changes in practices. However, I must tell you that I am reassured in his ability to do my surgery and his knowledge about WLS seem to be superior. I will keep you all posted on how the meeting goes. I really want to thank everyone for all of your support, good information, and opinions.   -Lisa

Oh, and P.S.

Did you "move" or get booted?  Which time?
"Frustrations"?  Are you effing kidding me?

       ~ I am the proud wife of a Guatemalan, but most people call me Kimberley
Highest Known Weight  =  370#  /  59.7 bmi  @  5'6"

Current Weight  =  168#  /  26.4 bmi  :  fluctuates 5# either way  @  5'7"  /  more than 90% EWL
Normal BMI (24.9)  =  159#:  would have to compromise my muscle mass to get here without plastics, so this is not a goal.

I   my DS.    Don't go into WLS without knowing ALL of your options:  DSFacts.com

on 5/21/10 11:11 am - BFE, CA
Hrm. Let's see. San Franciso. That would be with the Rabkins. Why on EARTH would someone think that he was taking over the practice when there are TWO of the top-rated DS surgeons at a practice? Dr. John Rabkin did NOT come in and take it over - he was ALREADY THERE when his brother retired!

Then there was the move to Jossart's group (I believe). That didn't work out. Then trying to set up on his own in SF. Again, didn't work out. Then the move to Kentucky. Again, didn't work out.

Are you seeing a pattern here? Sure, he could be a wonderful guy. I know he's a great surgeon - although I have heard some first-hand accounts that he can be willfully ignorant to a SERIOUS problem just because HE wasn't the one who spotted it and insists that it is something else when the original diagnosis was the true one - but that isn't for me to judge. I don't personally know his stats. I've never been under his knife.

But guess what? I HAVE been under Dr. K's. And the way he operates is completely above board. Something about Husted's modus operandi just isn't. Of course you're going to get PMs lauding Husted. I would think there was something seriously deficient if you didn't. But there is enough going on here where people who have LONG advocated going to him have changed their minds entirely. That doesn't get done lightly. Take that into consideration.

But like Kim said, I think you're going to do what you want to do no matter what anyone else says. And to that, I can only say good luck! And let's hope you don't need it.

~ Sarah P. 
Ask me about pregnancy after the Duodenal Switch!

They're here! My surro-sons were born July 21, 2009. Welcome to the world, Benjamin and Daniel. We love you very much!

on 5/22/10 4:50 am - STOCKBRIDGE, GA
On May 21, 2010 at 6:11 PM Pacific Time, ladynitewolf wrote:
Hrm. Let's see. San Franciso. That would be with the Rabkins. Why on EARTH would someone think that he was taking over the practice when there are TWO of the top-rated DS surgeons at a practice? Dr. John Rabkin did NOT come in and take it over - he was ALREADY THERE when his brother retired!

Then there was the move to Jossart's group (I believe). That didn't work out. Then trying to set up on his own in SF. Again, didn't work out. Then the move to Kentucky. Again, didn't work out.

Are you seeing a pattern here? Sure, he could be a wonderful guy. I know he's a great surgeon - although I have heard some first-hand accounts that he can be willfully ignorant to a SERIOUS problem just because HE wasn't the one who spotted it and insists that it is something else when the original diagnosis was the true one - but that isn't for me to judge. I don't personally know his stats. I've never been under his knife.

But guess what? I HAVE been under Dr. K's. And the way he operates is completely above board. Something about Husted's modus operandi just isn't. Of course you're going to get PMs lauding Husted. I would think there was something seriously deficient if you didn't. But there is enough going on here where people who have LONG advocated going to him have changed their minds entirely. That doesn't get done lightly. Take that into consideration.

But like Kim said, I think you're going to do what you want to do no matter what anyone else says. And to that, I can only say good luck! And let's hope you don't need it.
You forgot to add the time he was in Nashville at Baptist hospital...

Was just gonna be a lurker on this post, but I am so sad for the peopke he has operated on. How do you get follow up?? What if you had some serious complication. It's just not fair to his patients.

               **** I AM AN OH SUPPORT GROUP LEADER ****
No dumping.  Highest percentage of weight loss, Best long term results,  Won't regain weight!  Eat normal sized meals,  96% diabeties, 90% high blood pressure, 80% sleep apnea cured.                                    I  MY DS!
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there were three other people.    ~Orson Wells  

on 5/21/10 11:27 am
Get a CLUE. There is much that can be said, but not much that can be said without threat of a lawsuit, as Husted gets so much as a pimple and he threatens people with a lawsuit.

If you need to stay close to home, then stay close to home. Do not complicate things with quality issues.


I had the kick-butt duodenal switch (DS)!

HW: 344 lbs      CW: 150 lbs

Type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea GONE!

Elizabeth N.
on 5/21/10 7:14 am - Burlington County, NJ
Think hard about this. Why would one of the "best surgeons in the world" in bariatric surgery go through six practices in just about as many years? That's not how things work in the medical world.

This alone would cause me to FLEE from him as fast as I could. Especially if I had a doc like Dr. K. available to me.
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