Dr. John Husted ???

on 5/21/10 11:44 am, edited 5/21/10 9:33 pm
Hey, Kim, not to get off-topic here, but didja ever notice that sociopaths always seem normal when you meet them in person or talk to them on the phone? They hook you in, you feel sympathy or even empathy for them. You stand by their side when others are telling you they're not to be trusted UNTIL they screw YOU over. Then all hell breaks loose.

It's only after a while that they seem odd and then their stories unravel. Unfortunately, it's usually after you have entrusted your most important things to them, from money to children to intestines. Only then does it become painfully clear that you made a mistake.

I would never hire a sociopath to do something for me that requires a long-term relationship, like rerouting my electricity or plumbing.

Just an observation about sociopaths to my OH friend, Kim. This is in no way to be construed as a commentary on the present conversation. Didn't mean to get sooo off-topic in this nice thread about John Husted.


I had the kick-butt duodenal switch (DS)!

HW: 344 lbs      CW: 150 lbs

Type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea GONE!

Guate Wife
on 5/21/10 12:11 pm - Grand Rapids, MI

I know, we have been meaning to have this conversation about sociopaths for a long time, so I am glad that Lisa provided us with this opportunity.  I mean, basically an open forum, since she deleted her post ASKING for feedback on Dr. John Husted.

Now, back to sociopaths.  Considering that both you & I have had our lives devastated by a sociopath, I guess we are just a bit more sensitive to the possibility.  Here we are, smart enough ladies to ask all the tough questions, but still managed to get sucked right in.  Even ignoring all the signs provided by the sociopath themselves.

Some people just need to learn the hard way though.  Sociopaths have such good excuses for everything.  Very well thought out, and you are right, you end up feeling the sociopath themselves were wronged.  So much so, that you will trust your LIFE to them.  Some of us feel obligated to serve as a warning to others, but only the smart ones will listen.  Others will flounce off and do what is convenient for them or feels right, ignoring all warning.... but they like to come back around when "they have seen the light" and expect others to now listen to them.

Funny how we have observed this happen time & again.  OK, well not so funny... but, we tried.

Oh, and back to the topic of this thread... I have just got to really thank Dr. Husted for spreading all of this brilliant surgical skill of his far and wide.  Lets see now, TN, CA, CA, CA, KY, and now AZ.  Did I miss any place?  It is just super neat-o of Lisa to jump right in and get all of this ironed out so the good people of AZ can be assured that Dr. Husted meets her high standards (which I believed all boiled down to convenience).

       ~ I am the proud wife of a Guatemalan, but most people call me Kimberley
Highest Known Weight  =  370#  /  59.7 bmi  @  5'6"

Current Weight  =  168#  /  26.4 bmi  :  fluctuates 5# either way  @  5'7"  /  more than 90% EWL
Normal BMI (24.9)  =  159#:  would have to compromise my muscle mass to get here without plastics, so this is not a goal.

I   my DS.    Don't go into WLS without knowing ALL of your options:  DSFacts.com

on 5/21/10 12:34 pm, edited 5/21/10 12:53 pm
Yeah, I figured this was a free space and all...time to have a good conversation about an issue near and dear to both of us...sociopaths.

Back to what were we talking about...Dr. Husted, right? That's what we were talking about. NOT sociopaths.

Yep, I think you have the states/locations correct. It's a shame that everywhere he goes, as the tale goes, people have been actively thwarting his best efforts to have a successful practice, from megalomaniac fellow surgeons to crazy marketing women to crazy, lovesick office staff to short-sighted hospital administration. It's almost a Greek epic, like the Odyssey. Watch out for Scylla and Charybdis!

I DO understand Lisa's concerns. Convenience is important. I rank it right up there with whether my surgeon is right-handed or left-handed. Or a Pisces or Gemini. Or has blue eyes. Critical decisions must be made--I cannot leave the rest of my life to chance. Even though I ask for it, directly, I will ignore veterans' advice and experience as much as possible, unless they give me the answers I want. Blinders are expensive and they have served me well so far in life.

BTW, I love the word "flounce." It sounds so melodic and dramatic. I wish I could flounce.

(Flounces off.)

ETA: I just looked at Lisa's posting history. Maybe she IS teachable. She originally came here because she heard about the DS via Kerry and was going to use Dr. S in Arizona. Dare to dream.

I had the kick-butt duodenal switch (DS)!

HW: 344 lbs      CW: 150 lbs

Type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea GONE!

Elizabeth N.
on 5/22/10 6:20 am - Burlington County, NJ
flounce.jpg image by shakespeares_sister
on 5/21/10 12:50 pm - Central, FL
For as much time as I spend here why am I always out of the loop? LOL

 My DS   
SW/263  CW/136 GW/150

Guate Wife
on 5/21/10 11:21 pm - Grand Rapids, MI

We're gonna have to pull an all nighter in Indy to get you caught up, darling!

       ~ I am the proud wife of a Guatemalan, but most people call me Kimberley
Highest Known Weight  =  370#  /  59.7 bmi  @  5'6"

Current Weight  =  168#  /  26.4 bmi  :  fluctuates 5# either way  @  5'7"  /  more than 90% EWL
Normal BMI (24.9)  =  159#:  would have to compromise my muscle mass to get here without plastics, so this is not a goal.

I   my DS.    Don't go into WLS without knowing ALL of your options:  DSFacts.com

on 5/22/10 12:10 am - Central, FL
I can't wait! I'm counting down the days!

 My DS   
SW/263  CW/136 GW/150

Former Elizabeth
on 5/21/10 12:49 pm
Good point.   Not that this has anything to do with anybody with whom I have any familiarity.   Just an interesting point regarding something in which I've been interested.  

In _The Sociopath next door_, the author states that garnering sympathy is pretty much the calling card of the sociopath.   It was a very interesting read.   People with this problem can seem to be wildly successful for a time.   But whatever is missing in them makes it impossible for them to succeed in the long run.   They cycle out of control

Broadly (because I can remember concepts but not specific terms):   In systems, there are two kinds of feedback for ongoing work.   Negative feedback, like a thermometer-furnace-airconditioner setup.   If the ambient temp falls below preset parameters (negative feedback),  the heater goes on.   These are usually nice, stable, ongoing systems.   A positive feedback is more like (hmmm it's hard to think of one because they tend not to work) Well, labor and delivery is one.   But if your furnace kicked on because the heat was too HIGH, you'd never get cool.   The only thing that would stop the process would be total system collapse.

I love stuff like that.   It's all interconnected.  

Sorry.   Wandering off again, muttering to myself.


 "It's so beautifully arranged on the plate - you know someone's fingers have been all over it. ~Julia Child"

on 5/21/10 12:55 pm

Here's a thought:

Maybe Dr. Husted's onto something. If the sociopath does, indeed, live next door, maybe it IS a good idea to move around a lot? You can never be too sure.


I had the kick-butt duodenal switch (DS)!

HW: 344 lbs      CW: 150 lbs

Type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea GONE!

Elizabeth N.
on 5/22/10 6:23 am - Burlington County, NJ
Ya know, he IS one of the most brilliant human beings on the planet. Maybe we should be listening to his example.
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