Can I have 30 seconds of your day, trying to rally everyone to sign this!

on 4/29/10 1:33 am
Signed and sent to my DIL to sign.

(deactivated member)
on 4/29/10 1:43 am - Bellevue, WA
 I've been watching too and have already signed.  Wouldn't it be great if they changed what they fed our kids?  (and all kids...)
on 4/29/10 2:28 am
Ya know Lori I have been gripping about the food at my sons middle school!!!! it has been signed and I have sent it on to non-DS friends and family... THanks for posting this!!!


Denise T.
My Angel is MAJORMOM!!!

 MY DS!!!!
I see stupid people everywhere!!!
Marsha G.
on 4/29/10 2:29 am - Denver, CO
Wonderful site too.
I owed it to myself to research the Duodenal Switch before consenting to any other weight loss surgery and so do you.  Check out: and for more information.         
on 4/29/10 3:17 am - Fremont, CA
Done, and posted to facebook and emailed to many!  I totally believe in this.  I watch his show!

33 of those pounds were lost pre-op

on 4/29/10 6:26 am - Beckley, WV
Great idea posting this Lori. I signed up via cell phone.
Text  JAMIE to 22288... pass it on to friends! 

The girl on the show who was diagnosed with 5-7 more years to live if she doesn't change her eating habits just broke everyone down man. If that doesn't sum up all of ours stories...... I just wanted to reach in my telly and hug her! 

Unfortunately, it's not up to the schools. It is up to the USDA and the heads of the dairy and beef boards and that's a HUGE battle. Hopefully all our voices make the difference and we are heard! 

GO JAMIE!!!!!!!

  Nik | 36 | 5'3"| HW 305 | SW 286.3 | CW 234.2  | GW 180 | Surgery Comparison Chart
Samaro is my  

