Let the flaming begin

Guate Wife
on 8/4/09 1:29 am - Grand Rapids, MI


       ~ I am the proud wife of a Guatemalan, but most people call me Kimberley
Highest Known Weight  =  370#  /  59.7 bmi  @  5'6"

Current Weight  =  168#  /  26.4 bmi  :  fluctuates 5# either way  @  5'7"  /  more than 90% EWL
Normal BMI (24.9)  =  159#:  would have to compromise my muscle mass to get here without plastics, so this is not a goal.

I   my DS.    Don't go into WLS without knowing ALL of your options:  DSFacts.com

on 8/4/09 1:29 am
Wow what amazing insight!  Thank you for that post!  I am definitely bookmarking for the times I will need to read it again!

Kudos to you for sharing in such a way that we all can understand and relate!

Getting excited about my future!  God is AWESOME!

HW/SW/CW/GW     updated 3/29/11

on 8/4/09 3:36 am
WOW! That was absolutely beautiful- printing it off as I type.. Thank you!
Every opinion we share, every favor we perform, every moment we intently listen to someone talk about themselves is our opportunity to pass along something positive to a person who needs us.

Baby Blues
on 8/4/09 4:15 am - Roy, UT
omg....i'm over a year out and trust me, I myself needed to hear that.

I'm selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes. I am out of control and at times hard to handle, but if you can't handle me at my worst...then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.     ---Marilyn Monroe
Esther B.
on 8/4/09 1:32 pm - Rainy & Cloudy, WA

Wow.  oh wow.  that is my life. 

I have been freaking out lately to the point I canceled my one on one with Dr. Stewart. I was stressed, depressed and and totally apathetic to everything around me.  Your letter hit home with me.  Big time.    

I am calling Leah back tomorrow to set up a new appt; get a copy of the book...and go find me a therapist! 

Thank you.  I think you just saved my life.

on 8/4/09 2:23 pm - Alpharetta, GA
Esther -

I'm happy to hear that it helps.    I'm just pointing out things I've learned.    The hard part (the journey) is up to you.  

     Six years postop.       All co-morbidities are resolved.  Lost 101lbs in 1st year.   High wt: 277 Surgery wt:  260.7  Currently:  143lbs.    I'm Blackthorne99 on MyFitnessPal.

Click here to read my blog: Unicorns & Stranger Things
(deactivated member)
on 8/3/09 3:53 pm
Baring Nuclear War. Food is gonna be there. It's not going anywhere. So... What's the rush?

I use to be a compulsive over eater. Inhaling food and forgetting what I ate. It was PURELY emotional. I went to Eating Disorder Clinics. And learned how to eat properly and change the record in my head. Momentarily. I still gained the weight back and fell off the wagon, so to speak. But I did learn.

Emotional eating is hard to combat. You feel like you're missing something in your life and you use food too fill that space. Been there, done that, brought the T-shirt.

The one thing I have noticed, is that after the DS, although food is still good. I'm not a slave too it anymore. I found other things too fill that void. 

Therapy helps. It really does. Talking about your fears and your worries with someone who is there for you and you alone. .. Is invaluable.

I suggest Therapy. Stop beating up on yourself. You've identified the problem. Now, fix it. Start the day back on schedule. Reach for the RIGHT things too eat. Have them prepared ahead of time if possible.

Fast foods, which are usually carb ridden are easy too reach for when you get hungry. Combat that habit with what you should be eating this early out. By having it ready, you've won half the battle.

The PB&J will be there a year from now. Or when you can properly tolerate it, if you still want it. Next time you want one... Just forget the bread and eat the PB off the spoon. Yummy!!

I'm not saying it's easy. But given time, you will prevail. Just have some hope and confidence in yourself for a change.

Emilie J.
on 8/3/09 4:05 pm
Dana, thank you so much for your post. Emotional Eater I am. Others drink or smoke, I eat. I have never been put in a situation where I wasn't able to eat. And now, I am literally making myself sick, because I am not supposed to be eating what I am, and it is for a reason, my tummy can't handle it!! Thanks so much for the encouragement.
Emilie, mom, wife, Nurse........superhero
It's about the Wow's!   
on 8/3/09 3:55 pm
Baby, I'm not going to flame you. Your guts are doing that for me.

Please go get some therapy. If it hurts you and you are still doing it, there are bigger issues there than can be solved on a message board.

Please take care of yourself.

And, yes, tell your husband to STFU. You do NOT need food police. He is only making the situation worse.
Check out my profile: http://www.obesityhelp.com/member/goodkel/
Or click on my name
DS SW 265 CW 120 5'7"

Emilie J.
on 8/3/09 4:06 pm

Oh God are they ever flaming me. I can't even sleep and it is 2 am, I am so sick right now....Thanks for the very kind words.

Emilie, mom, wife, Nurse........superhero
It's about the Wow's!   
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