Let the flaming begin

Emilie J.
on 8/4/09 4:16 pm
Thanks Deb, I posted an update, and I am feeling much better today. I did finally get to sleep at almost 5. Those cookies are something I can honestly say I don't think I will ever do again. Nothing has made me as sick as I was last night. Thanks for your kind reply.
Emilie, mom, wife, Nurse........superhero
It's about the Wow's!   
on 8/4/09 3:51 am
Just one more voice to say I am pulling for you.  You MUST take care of yourself right away.  Like when you are on the airplane, and they say to you:  "Put your own oxygen mask on first, then help your children with theirs".  If you don't help yourself, you will never be able to help anyone else.  And right now the oxygen masks are dangling in front of you - it's an emergency and you need to take good care of yourself asap.

I really identified with your post on a lot of levels...I had a very hard day today because my husband switched into food police mode last night.  Nothing makes me want to overeat/eat the wrong things more than that.  And yes, self-destructive behavior is one of my demons too.

As someone who has been through YEARS of therapy, I agree with all the advice given above and wish you the very best.  Let us know how you are doing.
Emilie J.
on 8/4/09 4:19 pm
Thank you so much for your insightful, and kind reply. Hubby got a wake up call about being the food police from Dr. Hares nurse today, so he has been on best behaviour. It is so nice to know I am not alone, just this wierdo freak with this stupid food addiction, and self destructive behaviours. I feel so much better today. All the good vibes and prayers from the board no doubt.
Emilie, mom, wife, Nurse........superhero
It's about the Wow's!   
on 8/4/09 3:55 am
Thank you for posting this~ what a powerful thread this has come to be.  I can't add much more than everyone else here has added, but I wanted to send you a hug  & PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get in to your surgeon & therapist ASAP!   

Through the years of therapy I've gone through the most wonderful statement I was told is this:  "You are no longer a victim, you are a victor!"  Meaning, having survived, literally & emotionally, all the things I've endured in my lifetime, I have been given the power of strength and vitctory.  I am no longer required to remain a victim of those who've abused me- I no longer give them my power by continuing to punish myself for the pain that wasn't of my doing.   I am no longer their victim and I now how the power over my own life and choices.  It's hard, it sucks, and some days it would be nice to crawl in to a little hole & eat a gallon of ice cream, but if I do, then I'm giving my abusers their power back..  Hang in there girl & again, thank you so much for posting this thread.
Every opinion we share, every favor we perform, every moment we intently listen to someone talk about themselves is our opportunity to pass along something positive to a person who needs us.

Emilie J.
on 8/4/09 4:21 pm

Memorizing your saying. That is absolutely right. Your whole post was absolutely right. Thanks so much for the love, and the experience of one who knows what it is to struggle with abuse demons. Much love and peace to you.

Emilie, mom, wife, Nurse........superhero
It's about the Wow's!   
on 8/4/09 3:56 am - Huntsville, AL

I did that, too, somewhat.  I experimented to see what i could get away with with my DS.  I was a lightweight (42 BMI) and still managed to SOMEWHAT outeat my DS (I'm still like 15 lbs overweight).  I liked to say I was the control group to see if the DS works without working the tool.

So, you ate 4 cookies?  How many would you've eaten pre-op?  And I know Chips Ahoy are like 50% fat, so you aren't even going to absorb a lot of what you ate.  Methinks your new sensitive tummy is doing its job at keeping you from doing too much damage to your weightloss.  And if you can be sure and fill your tummy with protein FIRsT, then you will continue to be unable to overdo it TOO much on carbs.

Sorry, I'm not good at smackin' down food addicts.  I don't like beating up on myself very much!  haha!

Emilie J.
on 8/4/09 4:24 pm
Thanks LeaAnn. Your just a big softie aren't you? :) Food addict I am.........glad to know I am not alone. Thanks for your post. I would have eaten the whole damn bag preop. Thankfully my stomach reached its limit at 4. Going to be living, eating, breathing protien so that the other stuffs can't pass my mouth cuz I full.
Emilie, mom, wife, Nurse........superhero
It's about the Wow's!   
on 8/4/09 4:21 am - NJ
No need to flame.   You are less than 2 weeks out and are eating solid food that could cause your unhealed stomach or intestines to leak or tear.  

A.  You may be dead soon, so I will save the ink.  
B.  Go see a shrink.  You have an eating disorder.

Good Luck,


To teach something is to have it.  To have something you must be it.   Teach peace, for that is what you are. 
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Elizabeth N.
on 8/4/09 4:27 am - Burlington County, NJ
It's more like self injury than eating disorder, which is a LOT more dangerous.
on 8/4/09 4:45 am - NJ
I was not offering a diagnosis.   I will let the shrinks figure out the what, whys and wherefores.  She needs professional help.  That is the bottom line.   All the advice in the world on this or any board will not do it for her. 



To teach something is to have it.  To have something you must be it.   Teach peace, for that is what you are. 
To listen to me sing:   www.youtube.com/watch

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