on 7/30/09 8:31 am - BF-Nowhere, United Kingdom
Bloody hell the vitamins post is harrowing!  I'm going to start on a multivit now and I'm pre-op!
Elizabeth N.
on 7/30/09 9:40 am - Burlington County, NJ
You are a woman of childbearing age. You should be on a MINIMUM of a multivitamin, some iron and some calcium. Take the iron separated from the multi and calcium (which can be taken together) by at least two hours.
on 7/30/09 7:33 pm - BF-Nowhere, United Kingdom
Hi Elizabeth,
                      I'm pre DS and eat a varied and balanced diet so I've no physical short fall in my minerals and vitamins.  My bloods are done fairly regularly because of my thyroid and I often just get a FBC done as a matter of course.  I sit bang in the middle of normal on all my ranges....for now!  This obviously won't be the case when I'm post DS.  I'll get onto a really good multivit sooner rather than later...can't hurt and I'll just eliminate what I don't absorb.

Cheers for your post!

Elizabeth N.
on 3/6/11 9:58 am - Burlington County, NJ
This thread needs a GREAT BIG BUMP!!!!
on 7/30/09 6:01 am, edited 7/30/09 9:08 am

Topic: DS math

not only is the thread informative - but a FUN read LOL


Topic: DS lab orders - post your list here!

   MY DS  
 labrats.jpg picture by Frozen_Peach

Get the facts about Duodenal Switch at DS Facts
DS Recipes can be shared HERE <~~link




on 7/30/09 6:01 am - NY
 Pill Organizer Chat: ies-to-consider-Spark-People-and-pill/

Packing List: r-surgery/

Bad Breath:

DS vs R. N. Y. What you can eat and what you can't eat D-S-vs-RNY-what-can-you-eat-not-eatStill/

Protein Shakes That Rock: ite-protein-shakes-amp-other-protein-sources/

When you're sick of certain foods or shakes:

Stinky Gas ( Lori has a great Stinky Poo thread that is an essential for newbies, this isn't it) -DS/

Hemmeroids (You just might get them) in-from-hemorrhoids-Please-help-TMI/

When you struggle to eat: at/#31327638

When you can't digest eggs (I still can't eat eggs) m/#31641131

When you need to be inspired (when I read Justin's blog and AA's blog, I knew the decision to have the DS was a necessity like air and water. Justin's thoughts are touched by something beautiful and powerful, please NEWBIES go to this thread when you have days that make you say to yourself: What the utter **** It (and he) will change your life: t-on-the-OR-Table-One-Year-Ago/

EWL (excess weight loss formula) -Percentage-Formula/
We Are A Fever. We Are A Fever. We ain't born typical. ~ The Kills
If you have any g-ddamn sense and want WLS, think about the
on 7/30/09 7:06 am - dallas, GA
 I will never have a butt like that again. :0(
on 7/30/09 7:12 am - NY
 Yes, you will!!! Did you see Lori's before and after?! Holy **** Talk about smokin'! It will happen. That's the power of DS and Lower Body Lift!  Albeit, I don't think Lori had an LBL. I could be wrong, but I don't think so.
We Are A Fever. We Are A Fever. We ain't born typical. ~ The Kills
If you have any g-ddamn sense and want WLS, think about the
* Gail R *
on 7/30/09 8:15 am - SF Bay Area, CA
I never had a butt like that and never will. But we can all dream, can't we? LOL

~Gail R~  high wt.288,  surg wt 274, LW 143, CW 153,  GW164

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