Realistic Goals and Personal Responsibility

Julie R.
on 5/9/09 7:31 am - Ludington, MI
I was driving to a gig this morning thinking of this very same topic, and you've hit the nail quite squarely on the head.    I never cease to be amazed at the posts I read stating "Well, I've not lost all my weight, never got to goal, but I've dieted all my life and refuse to diet.  I want to be just like a normal person."    That's fine - IF one is happy staying that weight, or perhaps even rebounding a bit.   If a person wants to weigh less, than do what it takes to weigh less - take a good look at your intake and exercise more.   This is what "normal people" do.  I have many "naturally thin" friends.   They do not and cannot eat whatever they want.  They keep an eye on the scale and then modify their intake accordingly if they go over a set weight.    Contrary to what some believe, the DS is not an instant ticket to free-for-all eating.   It merely levels the playing field for most of us, so that we can do the very same thing.    I've had a ten-pound bounce back that I can control about five pounds of by modifying my carb intake.    It's a pretty painless procedure, because I have familiarized myself with quick low-carb options that I can grab to satisfy my urges.    I still struggle with overeating - that's never going to go away.  It's really easy to overeat carbs at almost three years out.  I can polish off an amazing amount of popcorn, potato chips and other less-than-optimal foods if I CHOOSE to, and that's the key word here.
Julie R - Ludington, Michigan
Duodenal Switch 08/09/06 - Dr. Paul Kemmeter, Grand Rapids, Michigan
HW: 282 - 5'4"
SW: 268
GW: 135
CW: 125

~ Leelee ~
on 5/9/09 7:38 am, edited 5/9/09 7:38 am - CO
 Well put.  I can't wait to get the green light to exercise so that I can work towards the "normal" life I desire whi*****ludes exercise and healthy eating.
Lisa Height 5'10"  HW 335/SW 321/Dr GW 185/personal GW 165/CW 148.  150cm CC!
Dr's goal weight reached JUNE 2010! Presently healthy, active, size 4/6, & below "goal".
on 5/9/09 3:57 pm - Las Vegas, NV
Hijak -

Julie - you look fantastic! I just popped in and it's great seeing familiar faces. :) Super good post from Diana, too! 

I always say that the DS leveled the playing field for me. I'm sure with more consistent exercise and eating low carb I could get closer to 149 but who knows, maybe not without more plastics. In any case, if I never lost another pound below 157 I'd still be delighted with my life where I am (sans skin, eventually!).

I, too, can inhale chips and popcorn and other foods like there is no tomorrow - munched too many corn chips today :( 

Jill - revision - band to DS 3/10/05 Dr. Baltasar, Spain
440/140/149  hw/cw/gw - 5'5" -300lbs -- bmi 73.2 to 24.8 :) GOAL MET 10/26/10!!.... Even made 140 September 2012. Been ranging 4-6lbs from 144-146 since then. Back to 140 December 2012, hoping to see it again after I feel better and start working out. 

Julie R.
on 5/9/09 10:18 pm - Ludington, MI
Thank you Jill!    You know, I reference you very frequently as an example of an initially high BMI DS'er who has lost to within a normal range.   I think you give many SMO and SSMO individuals a great deal of hope.   All of my adult life, it was so overwhelming to struggle with 100 plus pounds and to only struggle with 5-10 seems small potatoes.   Still, I can get anal about it....I feel like I have thin days and fat days, LOL. 
Julie R - Ludington, Michigan
Duodenal Switch 08/09/06 - Dr. Paul Kemmeter, Grand Rapids, Michigan
HW: 282 - 5'4"
SW: 268
GW: 135
CW: 125

Georgina R.
on 5/9/09 7:51 am - Bakersfield, CA
Thanks for this, Diana.  Though I am a little nervous about being Hispanic now.  Haha.  Oh well I'll just have to work a little harder to get to goal and stay there!  :)
on 5/9/09 8:24 am - NY
 Hahaha. I'm beyond multi-ethnic and I was thinking the same damn thing. 
We Are A Fever. We Are A Fever. We ain't born typical. ~ The Kills
If you have any g-ddamn sense and want WLS, think about the
Georgina R.
on 5/9/09 8:26 am - Bakersfield, CA
We'll just have to be extra-vigilant!  We can DO THIS!
on 5/9/09 8:34 am - NY
Yeah we can! 
We Are A Fever. We Are A Fever. We ain't born typical. ~ The Kills
If you have any g-ddamn sense and want WLS, think about the
Melissa M.
on 5/9/09 3:36 pm - Seabrook, TX
Well crap.  I'm hispanic, short and a revision from a previous WLS!!  No wonder I never made it to goal!  AND I exercise and eat healthy!  
(deactivated member)
on 5/9/09 12:51 pm - San Jose, CA

Well, it's probably too late to change that, but being forewarned is forearmed.  You just need to be more diligent.

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