Clarify Please,D/S vs RNY what can you eat/not eat?Still trying to figure this out,bur getting...

on 1/31/09 2:57 am - OH

Your new avitar looks great!
Kerry J.
on 1/31/09 1:45 am - Santa Clara, UT
 I'm not years out with the DS yet but so far there's a big difference in what and how I can eat now with my DS compared to the what and how I had to eat with the bypass/RNY.

Dumping: With the bypass I couldn't drink milk, eat ice cream or eat anything else that was sweet or rich without dumping. I can eat any of those foods or anything else I've tried now and they have no ill effect as far as dumping is concerned, I don't dump.

Bathroom/ BM: The stool issues are the same pre DS as they are now, no difference other than they're a little softer, still well formed, just softer.

What you eat: The diet for bypass/RNY is soft foods or ground beef type foods and you have to make sure you chew thoroughly so you don't plug your stoma. Rice would always plug me up no matter how much I chewed, steak, chicken any meat would if I didn't chew really well. For the DS, there are no such restrictions or rules, if I don't chew my food completely, it does sit in my stomach longer, but my pylorus masticates it so it goes down. Also with the DS you must eat much more than with RNY; since we malabsorb 80% of the fat and 40% of the protein we eat, we need to eat lots of fats and protein.

Vitamins: Both RNY and DS require lifetime vitamin supplements, the requirements are different; for example RNY requires B12, DS does not. You will need to consult with your surgeon to get a list of what he thinks you will need, then follow that up with blood draws and lab tests to see what you need to do.

To give you an idea what we eat, here's what I've been eating the past few days:

  Date January 26, 2009          
Quantity Item Calories Fat Calories DS Calories Grams Protein Grams Carbs
1 Diet Coke & 1/2 Fresh Lime 5 0 5 0 0
2 Scrambled Eggs w/sausage & cheese 200 150 80 12 1
1 Wal-Mart Chocolate Protein Shake 270 35 242 52 6
3 Zesty Chicken Wings 90 30 66 15 0
1 Wal-Mart Chocolate Protein Shake 270 35 242 52 6
0.5 Blackened Chicken Salad 212 39 180.8 24 15
1 Fried Pork Skins 80 45 44 7 0
33 Café Rio Pork Salad / No Tortilla 264 74 204.8 10 8
1 Frigo Cheese Head Swirl 80 50 40 6 0
2 Slices Summer sausage & Cheese 280 233 93.6 15 0
Totals   1751 691 1198.2 193 36
  Date January 27, 2009          
Quantity Item Calories Fat Calories DS Calories Grams Protein Grams Carbs
1 Diet Coke & 1/2 Fresh Lime 5 0 5 0 0
2 Fried Eggs 160 90 88 14 0
3 Strips Bacon 135 90 63 7.5 0
2 Whole wheat Low Carb toast 90 10 82 8 10
1 Wal-Mart Chocolate Protein Shake 270 35 242 52 6
3 Zesty Chicken Wings 90 30 66 15 0
1 Polish Sausage 1/2 Bun, Kraut & Swiss 450 323 191.6 20 14
1 Taco Salad 400 300 134 12 10
1 Grilled Cheese on Low Carb WW Bread 210 80 146 16 14
Totals   1810 958 1017.6 144.5 54
  Date January 28, 2009          
Quantity Item Calories Fat Calories DS Calories Grams Protein Grams Carbs
1 Diet Coke & 1/2 Fresh Lime 5 0 5 0 0
2 Scrambled Eggs w/sausage & cheese 200 150 80 12 1
1 Banana Scream Shale (2 scoops) 260 50 220 46 6
4 Zesty Chicken Wings 120 40 88 20 0
1 Garden Salad w Catalina Dressing 180 110 134 2 16
1 Choco Mococha Protein Shake w hoods 260 50 220 46 11
1 Ham & Beans 64 10 56 5 5
1 Salami & Cheese Sandwich 260 130 156 18 11
Totals   1349 540 959 149 50
  Date January 29, 2009          
Quantity Item Calories Fat Calories DS Calories Grams Protein Grams Carbs
1 Diet Coke & 1/2 Fresh Lime 5 0 5 0 0
2 Fried Eggs 160 90 88 14 0
2 Strips Bacon 90 60 42 10 0
2 Whole wheat Low Carb toast 90 10 82 8 10
1 Banana Scream Shake (2 scoops) & Hoods 350 95 274 54 7
3 Zesty Chicken Wings 90 30 66 15 0
1 Ground Beef & Cheese Burrito Guts 260 110 172 28 0
1 Calzone Insides 180 100 100 10 5
1 Salami & Cheese Sandwich 260 130 156 18 11
1 Banana Scream Shake (2 scoops) & Hoods 350 95 274 54 7
Totals   1835 720 1259 211 40
  Date January 30, 2009          
Quantity Item Calories Fat Calories DS Calories Grams Protein Grams Carbs
1 Diet Coke & 1/2 Fresh Lime 5 0 5 0 0
2 Fried Eggs 160 90 88 14 0
2 Strips Bacon 90 60 42 10 0
2 Whole wheat Low Carb toast 90 10 82 8 10
1 Banana Scream Shake (2 scoops) & Hoods 350 95 274 54 7
4 Zesty Chicken Wings 120 40 88 20 0
1 Ham & Beans 200 45 164 24 11
1 Carb Smart Ice Cream 180 140 68 3 5
1 Salad Bar 240 200 80 12 12
1 Personal Thin Crust Pepperoni Pizza 350 150 230 15 31
Totals   1785 830 1121 160 76

The Calories are what I eat, the DS Calories are what I absorb, but actually I absorb a little less, I'm just figuring the fat malabsorbtion, not any protein or complex carb malabsorbtion and there is some. In any case you can get a pretty good idea what my diet is like from this.

on 1/31/09 2:47 am - Manteca, CA
This is all so good, guess what, I started dumping lately with my RnY, 3 times in the last two weeks. WTF? Not a heavy dumping, just dizzy, very tired, and tummy ache a bit, so I go to sleep and wake up whenever feeling so much better. So Strange. I never dumped early out.

So Kerry, what is with the coke and 1/2 lime every day? is that your craving?  Ha ha. Best to ya.




Check out  and
 for all the accurate information on the great DS, and find surgeons in your area or around the country or out of the country.

I couldn't have done without all the great peeps on this board.

SW: 234.5     CW: 157   GW: 140 - ish 


Kerry J.
on 1/31/09 4:34 am - Santa Clara, UT
So Kerry, what is with the coke and 1/2 lime every day? is that your craving?  Ha ha. Best to ya.

I used to drink a glass of OJ every morning to get all my vitamins and meds down, but the OJ was a carb monster, I like Diet Coke if it has enough lime in it and 1/2 a big lime is just right. The lime also gives the DC some citric acid to help with the vitamin absorbsion. I usually drink it and take all the pills at around 5:00 AM.

I don't know why I have that entry in there it doesn't make any difference in the protein or carb count and I drink lots of water and other SF drinks every day and don't list them. I think I put it in the spread sheet once and then it just got copied and pasted and I haven't taken it out yet.


Maria C.
on 1/31/09 3:49 am - KY

HIJACK - Way to go on the carbs, Kerry!  Has that scale moved yet?

HW 246    SW 243     CW - below goal    GW 139     Height 5'3"
Kerry J.
on 1/31/09 4:37 am - Santa Clara, UT
 Hi Maria,

Nope, that @^#%#$@^@@ scale is still stuck on 219, I'm starting to wonder if it's broken 

on 1/31/09 1:49 am
You can eat anything your tummy will tolerate. It is so individual.  There is nothing you cannot eat.  For me, eating pasta was difficult and it is only now (almost 2 years post op) that I am finally enjoying pasta again.

Having said that, you want to eat high protein and fat - low carb.  Carbs will slow your weight loss.  Just like every other surgery and people who do not have surgery at all...Carbs is the devil. 

Minus 202 pounds; Height=5'10.5; Plastic Surgery = arms; Pant: 24 to 4/6; Top 3x to sm/med, I My DS! .

(deactivated member)
on 1/31/09 2:09 am - TX

not exactly sure what you're asking but here's my input:

With the RNY I couldn't eat (gave me problems)  or wasn't supposed to because of one reason or another.

fried chicken
fried foods
cereal (oatmeal and plain cheerios)

With the DS

Too much sugar gives me gas
Too many white flour products give me gas
Too much fat gives me looser stools (but I need to eat a lot of fat because I tend towards constipation)


on 1/31/09 2:20 am - Mouseville, FL
No food is completely off limits, as dumping is very rare with the DS.  We generally eat high fat, high protein, low sugar, low carb.  But we eat foods from all of the major food groups including chocolate, do-nuts and of course cookies.

Early on chicken did not sit well in my tummy.  It was a shame too because chicken was my favorite before surgery.  However, I am finding I am tolerating it better these days.  I drink coffee and diet pepsi  - an insane amount of diet pepsi as a matter of fact.  I prefer the dreamfields pasta since it is essentially low carb, and it does not give me gas or bowel issues.

Is this the kind of information for which you were looking?





Vicki PNW
on 1/31/09 3:58 am, edited 1/31/09 4:02 am

I am 8.5 months out and can eat almost like a non-WLSer. 

My breakfast staples are:  eggs, bacon, and sausage.  I may eat a few bites of hash browns topped with melted cheese on occasion when I eat out when hash browns are part of a package.  I also eat fruit when there is enough room in my real estate after having eaten the protein.  I don't eat toast or any kind of bread.  My toaster oven is more like a decorative piece now.

My lunch staples are:  slices of either ham or turkey stuffed into a half slice of whole-wheat pocket bread.  Or, I eat tuna salad stuffed into the same pocket bread.  I slather real mayo inside the pocket bread very generously. 

A lot of times I order some Chinese food to take home.  I order chicken, beef, or pork drowned in sauces.  I recently discovered that orange chicken that I ate a couple times before has far more carbs than any other meat; consequently, I eat that very sparingly.

When I have ham sandwiches, I slather the inside of the pocket bread with mayo and mustard, add cheese (usually provolone or cheddar on occasion) and a pickle that has been sliced lengthwise, and finish with stuffing the ham slices until it hurts.

If I have enough room after eating the sandwich, then I may eat fruit.

My dinner is whatever I feel like eating.  I may eat some chicken, veggie burger, burger, brats, or sausage.  No bun or bread.  If there is still room, then I may eat cottage cheese or fruit.

My snack staples are:  dry salami, pepperoni, cheese, cottage cheese, fruit, plain yogurt, peanuts, and cashews.  Sometimes I snack on tuna salad alone or stuff that salad into my half pocket bread.

I drink water and coffee.

I can eat ice cream, but I don't have the same desire for it as a post-op as I did as a pre-op.  That's because my post-op taste buds have changed.  I have eaten 2 pints of ice cream (one from B&J; the other from Haagen-Dazs) since my surgery but have yet to finish a pint in one sitting.

I ate a slice of birthday cake exactly one month after my surgery.  I had been cleared to eat solid foods 5 days earlier.  Because my taste of cake has changed, it took me about 1/2 hour to fini****  I did eat ice cream on the side and it took me a bit longer than usual to fini**** too.  I also ate slices of strawberries over vanilla ice cream the next day, and the combination was a lot easier to get down.

I tried eating toasted whole wheat bread smothered with real butter about a week after I started eating solid foods.  However, I experienced discomfort after a couple of bites so had to stop.  Same with a grilled cheese sandwich; had to stop after several bites.  I haven't tried eating toast since then.  I now have my sandwiches stuffed in a 1/2 whole wheat pocket bread and don't have any issues with that.

I ate a baked potato smothered in real butter on the 4th of July.  I would have added bacon bits if those were available.

When I ordered a sausage and cheese omelet at a restaurant at about 2.5 months post-op, it came with hash browns and two slices of toast.  I opted to have them smother the hash browns with melted shredded cheese for a nominal charge.  I chose whole wheat bread for my toast.  I ate the entire omelet but managed to eat only about 1/4 of the hash browns before I stopped because I got full.  I chose not to take a container of the hash browns or toast home.

I ate a Coney Island with all the works when I was nearly 3 months post-op.  I chose not to eat the bun and got full as I took the last bite of the rest of the food.  I had no room at all to eat the side dish.

I developed an intolerance to sugar alcohols about a month post-op.  Consequently, I avoid them whenever possible.

I haven't eaten cookies or candy since my surgery, except for one of those chocolate fudge Citracal bites.  I was taking one of them a day before the product was discontinued.  Bariatric Advantage is due to release its version of those bites in March 2009.

I have cut way down on simple carbs but still take in complex carbs, such as fruits.  I have had to eat at least one banana a day since I came home from the hospital due to potassium issues.  I usually mix my banana in with plain yogurt.  That way, the banana goes down easier and I get protein from the yogurt.  Sometimes I slice the banana in half lengthwise and then spread peanut butter over each slice.  Other times, I just eat it plain.

You may be surprised as to how your taste buds change after surgery.


DS (lap) with Dr. Clifford Deveney. Cholecystectomy (lap) with Dr. Clifford Deveney 19 months post-op.

Has not weighed myself since 1/2010.  Letting my clothes gauge my progress instead.

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