Should EVERYONE have the DS?

on 2/17/08 5:05 am, edited 2/17/08 5:09 am
Another contraindication for the DS - anyone who is an active substance abuser.  My b/f is learning more and more about the DS through me and it occurred to him that his mother could benefit from the surgery.  He discussed it with her without telling me he was going to, and "fortunately" she said she wouldn't be interested.  I say fortunately because she's a HEAVY drinker among other things and the idea of giving those things up are non-negotiable to her, so the DS is absolutely without a doubt out of the question for her.  ETA:  I'd have felt terrible if she'd gotten her hopes up only to have me tell her that those habits would keep her from this surgery - glad I wasn't put in that position! Just my 2 cents, Sherry
(deactivated member)
on 2/17/08 5:09 am
Excellent point!
Rosalind G.
on 2/17/08 8:37 am - La Cañada Flintridge, CA
Sweet Sherry, (and I've had a sip or 2 of that when I'm cooking. LOL), I'm pretty sure that excessive drinking wouldn't be a good thing with any of the WLSs.  During the rapid weight loss phase, regardless of procedure, everyone's kidneys are under assault.  That's one reason we're supposed to drink so much water.   And, well, heck, I'm just plain sorry that she needs this, but that it's not part of her journey.  Sounds like your BF really cares about his mom.  From the perspective of my advanced years, I've learned that often how a man treats his mother will be how he treats his woman. ;>)

All is well in the garden, Roz
DS lap--8/4/04--Dr John Rabkin, San Francisco (246/118)
4/6/06--Lower body lift with muscle repair, Dr J. C.Fuentes, MX
7/31/06--Facelift; TCA peel (lower eyes); canthopexy,Dr . Binder (love him), BH, CA
2/7/07--Breast Aug/Lift--Dr  Bresnick, Encino, CA
Better living through the scalpel




on 2/17/08 3:19 pm
You're so right on all counts. I cringed (over the phone thankfully so he couldn't see) when he said he'd discussed it with her... knowing that her substance abuse is more than out of control - and he does care a great deal about her, even has her in his phone as Mama Bear :)  Even though dropping the weight would put many years back on her, what she's doing to her body with the "activities" she partakes of indicates - to me at least - that longevity obviously isn't all that important to her. As for me, I already drink less than every 2 months - so bring it on!  I can't wait! :)
on 2/17/08 5:37 am - Near Media, Pa- South of Philly, NJ
I'm pretty sure the contraindications are similar for all WLS.  As for supplements: I'm a tad gung-ho these days, so I probably do drop a grand a year between pills, powders and bars. The flip side is that I spend about 1/2 as much on food (less volume, better quality) so I think it's a wash. Know what I would add to the list (which might get me killed)? People who have weight losss surgery should be severely physically compromised, and not just sad about being fat. I don't think people who have the surgery for reasons of vanity can ever really get what they need from it-- and there seems to be a lot of those out there. I know that opinion's not popular, but there it is.

 "Oh sweet and sour Jesus, that is GOOD!" - Stephen Colbert  Lap RNY 7/07-- Lap Gallbladder 5/08--  
     Emergency Bowel Repair
6/08 -Dr. Meilahn, Temple U.  
 Upper and Lower Bleph/Lower Face Lift 
     Fraxel Repair 2/09-- Lower Bleph Re-Do 5/09  -Dr. Pontell, Media PA  Mastopexy/Massive 
     Brachioplasty/ Extended Abdominoplasty 
(plus Mons Lift and Upper Leg lift) / Hernia Repair
      6/24/09 ---Butt Lift and Lateral Thighplasty Scheduled 7/6/10
 - Dr. Ivor Kaplan VA Beach
Total Cost: $33,500   Start wt: 368   RNY wt: 300  Goal wt: 150   Current wt: 148.2  BMI: 24.7

on 2/17/08 5:57 am - Wilmington, DE
Hey, you!  Haven't seen much of you lately! I'd mellow your severely physically compromised to just having substantial comorbidities.  But hey, toMAYto, toMAHto. Ok, going out on the limb here, but assuming you take a healthy fat girl (or guy) who wants to have WLS and deny them the surgery because they're still healthy, don't you think that over time, they are very likely to develop those comorbidities that would necessitate WLS in the first place?  And, wouldn't their increased age render their convalescence more difficult?  Food for thought. But, essentially, I agree with you about not having surgery for reasons of vanity.  I can see the logic.
sw:298/cw:152/no goal set

"Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open."  --J.K. Rowling,  Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

on 2/17/08 6:09 am - Near Media, Pa- South of Philly, NJ
I am suspect of any person who is healthy and fat and thinks the rerouting of their guts is a good idea. Just am. Risks for complications are just too high, in my mind. Sure, yep, very fat people probably will develop some co-morbs-- but then a) also may not and b) so does the general population with aging. Major point is that if your self-esteem is wired in a manner that makes losing weight a necessity to feel pretty, good, or useful, I am guessing that the surgery will probably not bring you nearly enough of the above.  Just my own prejudiced, simple-minded stance.

 "Oh sweet and sour Jesus, that is GOOD!" - Stephen Colbert  Lap RNY 7/07-- Lap Gallbladder 5/08--  
     Emergency Bowel Repair
6/08 -Dr. Meilahn, Temple U.  
 Upper and Lower Bleph/Lower Face Lift 
     Fraxel Repair 2/09-- Lower Bleph Re-Do 5/09  -Dr. Pontell, Media PA  Mastopexy/Massive 
     Brachioplasty/ Extended Abdominoplasty 
(plus Mons Lift and Upper Leg lift) / Hernia Repair
      6/24/09 ---Butt Lift and Lateral Thighplasty Scheduled 7/6/10
 - Dr. Ivor Kaplan VA Beach
Total Cost: $33,500   Start wt: 368   RNY wt: 300  Goal wt: 150   Current wt: 148.2  BMI: 24.7

Lori Black
on 2/17/08 6:18 am - , IN
I was a healthy fat person.  If there *IS* such a thing.  My BMI was 43.2, I had NO comorbidities.  Nothing debilitating here.  I was borderline diabetic, but no real comorbs.  I was in constant pain doing daily activities.  My back was a mess, I was at the chiropractor 3 sometimes 4 times a month.  My hips felt like they were going to fall off just walking through the grocery store.  I would sweat for no reason, even dressed appropriately for the weather or activity.  I would sweat through my t-shirt at nighttime with NO covers on.  My endometriosis flare horribly.  (Most pain is gone now as a post op) I was a holy hell mess of a person.  But I guess I'm one of the "healthy" fat people you speak of.  I'm not offended, I like you too darn much to get offended, just wanted to jump in here and tell you that I respectfully disagree with your opinion on this.  I do not feel like I did this for vanity purposes, but it sure is a nice side effect of WLS!  Lol! I walk with ease, I don't sweat when I do housework, and for once in my life I'm cold all of the time, not sweating and hot.  I love my life post-DS, and I'm glad my surgeon didn't expect me to walk in with a walker in order to get the DS.  Hugs (really) Lori
on 2/17/08 6:23 am - Near Media, Pa- South of Philly, NJ
I'd consider "constant pain" and "endometriosis" to be serious health concerns that are exacerbated by weight, Lori. (I had both, BTW-- still do.) I am talking about people who are really in it for reasons of vanity exclusively.

 "Oh sweet and sour Jesus, that is GOOD!" - Stephen Colbert  Lap RNY 7/07-- Lap Gallbladder 5/08--  
     Emergency Bowel Repair
6/08 -Dr. Meilahn, Temple U.  
 Upper and Lower Bleph/Lower Face Lift 
     Fraxel Repair 2/09-- Lower Bleph Re-Do 5/09  -Dr. Pontell, Media PA  Mastopexy/Massive 
     Brachioplasty/ Extended Abdominoplasty 
(plus Mons Lift and Upper Leg lift) / Hernia Repair
      6/24/09 ---Butt Lift and Lateral Thighplasty Scheduled 7/6/10
 - Dr. Ivor Kaplan VA Beach
Total Cost: $33,500   Start wt: 368   RNY wt: 300  Goal wt: 150   Current wt: 148.2  BMI: 24.7

Lori Black
on 2/17/08 6:28 am - , IN
Thanks for clarifying!  I do appreciate it!  I hope your constant pain disappears as more pounds melt off of that sexy bod of yours! I saw small differences with every 15-20 pounds which has added up to a huge difference over the months!  Have you noticed your endo pains getting lighter?  Mine are still present, but less often and much less painful.  My obgyn is thrilled!
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