Should EVERYONE have the DS?

Ms. Cal Culator
on 2/17/08 5:30 am - Tuvalu
Just adding that, to me, discussing the annual cost of vitamins is like discussing the annual cost of shoes.  In my wildest dreams, I'd never understand a pair of Jimmy Choo's.  To me, they are not particularly attractive and I just don't "get" why anyone would buy them, although I have friends who have multiple pairs and think that since I have a vagina (see how I sneaked that in there?) I SHOULD understand.  But I don't.  NOR do I "get" how people can even function in popular cheap shoes...pretty much like anything that might be sold at a Payless.  I wouldn't probably never buy anything there, either...not that I even darken their doorstep, so I'm guessing. So it is with vitamins.  I *CAN* get cheaper calcium.  But, because an MD I know who had the DS says that "the best calcium is the calcium you'll take," I buy calcium I'll take.  Specifically, the BA Chewable in the tropical flavor.  It costs me about $365/year.  And I take their multis..NOT because the name includes the word "bariatric," but because the vitamins include DRY A, D, E and K...saving me the expense of supplementing the A, E and K in addition to the D I'm already buying.  Those cost me about $226/year.  My vitamin D runs $180/year.  So those three alone-- Calcium, multis and D3--cost me over $700 a year.  And then there are the Vitamin C and zinc and biotin and magnesium and probiotics.  Could I do it cheaper?  Sure.  Am I likely to?  Nah.  No more than I'd buy the Jimmy Choo's or the Payless shoes.  We all have to find what works for us.  Sue
(deactivated member)
on 2/17/08 7:09 am - San Jose, CA
Well, I could see how the IDEAL could cost more than $1000, especially if  you don't want to avoid lactose, carbs, etc.  I don't do the devrom or GasX, or flagyl for that matter, because i prefer to control my gas by avoiding things that set it off (except at night and on weekends, when I just open a window!). No, I don't know what it is like to live on public assistance.  However, I'm sure a careful person could do it just fine andstill get enough protein.  Even without Costco, at least in the US, you can get decent amounts of inexpensive but adequate protein for a reasonable price.
on 2/17/08 3:18 am
For the most part, I guess I agree.  Points where I differ . . . . protein is affordable.  It may not be all glamore, like prime rib, but it does what it needs to.  Vitamins don't have to cost that much money (already gone over, also), but yep, ya gotta take 'em.  I happen to be one of those with the erratic health insurance history - but you've gotta know what you're worth.  Some people spend upwards of $15,000 to GET a DS cuz they know it's the best.  If I've got to spend money on my own labs, I (and the DS) are worth every penny.

5' 5" -  317.5 / 132 / 134  SW / CW / GW

on 2/17/08 3:41 am - Small Town, OH

I whole heartedly agree with most of this.  That's why I feel everyone should be educated on the DS...but it's certainly not for everyone.  Her list is a good one.  But, I do not agree with the "compulsive personality" aspect.  That's simply not true.  My husband is probably the most easy going person in the world...but would be a FABULOUS DSer.  He's smart enough to realize that you don't mess with your health and would be great at taking his vitamins.  Again, I don't think you can pinpoint the personality type of a DSer...and it certainly shouldn't be a deciding factor. For me, with my own personal experience, I have a relative who had the RNY and is certainly a compulsive personality.  I'd never recommend the DS to her, even though she's now regaining. She's obsessively clean and orderly but can't wrap her mind around the DS post op life.  She also can't understand that you need to take your meds whether you "feel better" or not.  So, I'd never, in good conscious, recommend it to her. She's still totally puzzled at how I can eat fried fish and lose weight.

HW/SW/CW/GW    231/225/123/130-125
~Surgeon's Goal of Normal BMI reached at 6 months Post Op~
~Personal Goal Range achieved at less than 10 months Post Op~

(deactivated member)
on 2/17/08 5:06 am
You're right about your relative not getting this. You may not see your husband as compulsive, but he fits the criteria of being able to plan ahead. Maybe 'compulsive' isn't the right word...
Jackie W.
on 2/17/08 4:08 am

I guess some of what she said is right.  The DS isn't for everyone.  But not necessarily for the all the reasons she listed.  I'd be the biggest reason in:  the people that don't understand the surgery, shouldn't have it.  But then again, you shouldn't have any of the WLS's if you don't understand the ins & outs of that particular surgery!! 

There are soo many places you can get vitamins, I'm sure people would find a way to afford them.  BOGO's are usually great deals.

I thought Protein was Protein.  Do I need HIGH QUALITY Protein?  Does this mean I have to eat Abacore tuna, instead of regular tuna?  I don't think so.  You just have to by something with protein, instead of a box of Mac & Cheese.

I rank the people that think they can not follow the rules, with the people that don't understand the ins and outs!

Erratic insurance......can't comment on that too much.  Sometimes things happen and we lose our insurance.  We can't always control that.

Compulsive I can see as a good thing for the DS. So I semi agree.  But I think the DS is not for everyone.  You have to be committed to the DS.   Great conversation!!!

There are never any problems, only solutions.  quoted by a dear and special friend!!!

My stats:
Starting weight 234 lbs    Height 5 ft 6 in
Goal in 7 months (127 lbs)
Currently: 120-123 lbs
Tops Small   Bottoms size 2!!!!
UPDATED: 11/11

Rosalind G.
on 2/18/08 1:05 am - La Cañada Flintridge, CA
OT:  How in the world does your ticker manage to show my IP, etc.?  Almost spooky!

All is well in the garden, Roz
DS lap--8/4/04--Dr John Rabkin, San Francisco (246/118)
4/6/06--Lower body lift with muscle repair, Dr J. C.Fuentes, MX
7/31/06--Facelift; TCA peel (lower eyes); canthopexy,Dr . Binder (love him), BH, CA
2/7/07--Breast Aug/Lift--Dr  Bresnick, Encino, CA
Better living through the scalpel




Jackie W.
on 2/18/08 2:59 am
I don't know how it works.  A friend on another forum had it in his sig line.  I thought it was cool!  Plus with all the trolls doing a number on our boards, I thought I'd show them that now matter what username they come here with, it is still the same IP address.  Granted, only you can see it, but maybe they will realize they can't really hide! They have another sign that says what town you are closest to!  That one is really neat too!

There are never any problems, only solutions.  quoted by a dear and special friend!!!

My stats:
Starting weight 234 lbs    Height 5 ft 6 in
Goal in 7 months (127 lbs)
Currently: 120-123 lbs
Tops Small   Bottoms size 2!!!!
UPDATED: 11/11

Rosalind G.
on 2/18/08 3:37 am - La Cañada Flintridge, CA
Whoa!  Now that's really weird!  It's not showing up any more. Mods???

All is well in the garden, Roz
DS lap--8/4/04--Dr John Rabkin, San Francisco (246/118)
4/6/06--Lower body lift with muscle repair, Dr J. C.Fuentes, MX
7/31/06--Facelift; TCA peel (lower eyes); canthopexy,Dr . Binder (love him), BH, CA
2/7/07--Breast Aug/Lift--Dr  Bresnick, Encino, CA
Better living through the scalpel




Jackie W.
on 2/18/08 4:12 am
It should be?  It is for me anyway.  I hope the Mods don't mess with it!  If they do, I'll have to put something else there!!

There are never any problems, only solutions.  quoted by a dear and special friend!!!

My stats:
Starting weight 234 lbs    Height 5 ft 6 in
Goal in 7 months (127 lbs)
Currently: 120-123 lbs
Tops Small   Bottoms size 2!!!!
UPDATED: 11/11

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